Letter: Celebrate great VA workers

Published 12:00 am Thursday, February 17, 2022

In reference to Mr. Roger Barbee’s letter to the editor on Feb. 6 about the VA workers (“Words appreciating service empty, phony”), I must speak up for them.

These men and women work tireless for the veterans who end up staying eternity on these hollowed grounds. I’ve ridden with the Patriot Guard riders for more than 15 years. During each and every funeral, the utmost care is given to family and the veteran themselves.

Some days, as many as five to 10 funerals are planned for a day, sometimes only minutes apart. I truly believe we are very lucky we have such a beautiful place here locally. In fact, my wife and I will be laid to rest here. If you have never attended an event or life celebration, please attend one.

Many veterans have no family, and attending may remind you we live in the best country in the world and owe our veterans everything. I hope you will decide to celebrate our great VA workers, all of them, and not think you see uncaring workers.

— Grant Eagle
