Cleveland parade winners announced
Published 12:00 am Sunday, December 12, 2021
CLEVELAND — The Cleveland Lions Club sponsored the 49th annual Cleveland Christmas parade on Saturday, Dec. 4. It’s been an annual event since 1972 except for last year.
Cleveland Police led the way, followed by the West Rowan JROTC and West Rowan High School band and four grand marshals representing schools, healthcare, fire/EMS/911 and police.
The parade still allows horses, which were positioned behind the marching entries, and participants still toss candy to young spectators (and those young at heart). Santa Claus rode on top of a Cleveland Fire Department truck at the end in a sleigh built by the Cleveland Fire Department.
Judges were Alison Clawson of Mt. Ulla, Gwen Graham of Cleveland and Lions District Gov. H. Wayne Kennerly of Salisbury.
Antique: Orange Blossom Express (1972 sears riding lawn mower)
Commercial: Cleveland DTNA (Freightliner)
Humorous: Boogerwoods Haunted Attraction
King/Queen: Miss Bailey Webster (Rowan County Veteran Queen 2021)
Regular: Pure Martial Arts
Religious: Cleveland Presbyterian Church
Parade Announcer: Terry Moore, “the voice of the parade” and Cleveland Lions Club member.