Quotes of the week
Published 12:00 am Friday, July 16, 2021
“We’re trying to get anybody back into the labor force we can. I get calls every single day from employers begging and saying, ‘I’ve got 50 openings, I’ve got 80 openings, I’ve got 13
openings and I’m only getting two applicants.”
— David Hollars, of the Centralina Workforce Development Board on funding to create an ‘opportunity site’ for job resources in East Spencer
“There is a vision. It just hasn’t been talked about in two years.”
— Meredith Smith, Landis mayor after opening a call for interested citizens to join a committee beginning work to create a passive park
“I also play golf, but I am much better at flying.”
— Larry Macon, who received the Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award, the most prestigious honor issued by the Federal Aviation Administration
“None of us could have imagined that we’d be here in 2021 talking about that same property being home to the largest economic development investment in the history of Cabarrus County. It’s a reflection on the resilience of this community.”
— Steve Morris, Cabarrus board chairman discussing a $740 million investment at the former Philip Morris plant in Concord
“It’s to encourage our small farmers and give them a little push, a little help to do something that they wouldn’t have been able to do otherwise.”
— Dottie Hoy, Bread Riot’s president on distributing five grants to support local farmers who are providing food
“Nowadays, people don’t want … to get out, they don’t want to socialize. They don’t want to help others. Between motivation and intention, something is lacking.”
— Heather Resino, president of the Spencer Jaycees, which has suffered membership declines over the past several decades like similar groups
“Justice has been my guiding principle throughout my entire career, and it’s going to continue to be. What it means to me, is within the law, you try to do the right thing.”
— Tim Gould, at a ceremonial swearing in for his position as Rowan County Superior Court judge