Letter: Oregon initiative misguided

Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 18, 2021

I’ve been quiet lately, putting away politics and focusing on writing more novels (many are happy that I faded away). However, I have to respond to the following post by America’s Citizen Press regarding the state of Oregon Department of Education’s aberration of equality.

The department’s communications director defended the “Equitable Math” initiative by explaining that it helps educators learn key tools for engagement, develop strategies to improve equitable outcomes for Black, Latino and multilingual students and join communities of practice. In the workbook that is provided, teachers are told to “identify and challenge the ways that math is used to uphold capitalist, imperialist and racist views.”

This is blatantly saying that Black, Latino and multilingual students are not capable of learning something as universal as mathematics, the basis of pretty much everything including the birth of the universe. OMG, where is this country being driven to by such idiocracy?

— Chuck Hughes
