Granite Quarry sales tax revenue ahead of expectations
Published 12:00 am Sunday, February 14, 2021
GRANITE QUARRY — Granite Quarry’s projected revenue based on conservative forecasting was already looking good for the current fiscal year, but the town’s position has continued to improve.
In November, town administration reported coming in $58,000 ahead of where it anticipated on state-shared tax revenue, but now that position has improved to an expected $70,000 ahead of the budgeted total.
Property taxes are expected to land close to budget. Though Town Manager Larry Smith noted January is a high-collection month for those taxes during the regular meeting of the town Board of Alderman on Monday. There will be a more accurate prediction by next meeting.
Last year, the town set conservative expectations for sales tax revenue amid concerns of economic fallout due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In other news from a town board meeting last week:
- Town Planner Steve Blount gave the board an update on a light industry rezoning property but ran into some issues with businesses.
- The town is close to wrapping up a number of studies including ordinance, personnel policy and pay classification. Town Manager Smith noted the town is trying to expedite work on the pay classification study to have it ready for the Granite Quarry Board of Aldermen’s March meeting because of its impact on budget considerations.
- Fire Chief and Public Works Director Jason Hord said the fire department received Christmas donations that allowed the purchase of two new defibrillators, noting they replaced two which were nearing the end of service.
- The town’s upcoming comprehensive parks and recreation master plan has been whittled down to the town’s $30,000 maximum target. Smith noted he was involved with a similar plan for the town in 2013 which cost the town $35,000 for a similar project scope.
- Architect Dan Norman presented a town hall space needs assessment that was completed last month with recommendations on use of the town hall facility.
- The board approved an annual agreement for services with Southern Software totaling $3,011.