Salisbury VA resuming more routine face-to-face appointments
Published 10:34 am Thursday, October 8, 2020
SALISBURY — The Salisbury VA is moving forward with an expansion of clinical services to include more routine face-to-face appointments.
Routine face-to-face appointments are expanding, with clinics such as imaging and diagnostics already operating at 100% of pre-COVID-19 levels.
“This is a big step for us,” said Director Joseph Vaughn. “We know how important it is for our Veterans to meet with their providers in person. And we want to accommodate them as best we can.”
Certain clinics may see a higher percentage of face-to-face patients than others, but the Salisbury VA says plans are to continue to increase services so long as safe social distancing is possible. Veterans will continue to be offered telephone and video appointments, with virtual care still a preferred option to help limit the risk of spreading the virus.
Although services for veterans are expanding, the strict no-visitor policy remains in effect. No children under the age of 18 are allowed on campus.
Veterans interested in making an appointment with their primary care provider should contact their care team to consider the safest and best option.