Talkback, what online readers are saying about …
Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 27, 2020
Back in session: RSS welcomes first group …
I was very impressed with how smoothly things went at West Rowan High School for my kids. The excitement and positivity from the teachers made a tough situation much easier for the students. While this wasn’t what I envisioned for their school year, I am thankful for at least two days of in person teaching and hope this can continue!
— Donna Marsh Greene
Will anybody be held accountable for the children’s lives lost because of this insane back-to-school-at-all-cost scenario?
— William H. Moffitt
We had a fabulous day at Hurley! It was great to see our students and our kindergartners were excited!
— Kelly McCullers Hain
Letter: Say his name
My prayers are with his family, as they are with the families of Secoriea Turner (8), Jace Young (6), Emily Jones (7), Davell Gardner (1) and others. Those are just a few of names of children younger than 10 killed in the past few months that I doubt that you have heard of. I know that I have not, but they also lived in other parts of the country.
— Eric Shock
Sheriff’s office: Man faces weapons charge …
My sister, Mya Davis Young, was a victim in this accident and she nearly lost her life. She was a passenger in the vehicle. They arrested her for resisting arrest when she was running from a burning vehicle trying to save her life.
— Kya Davis
‘Fame’ relocation on agenda for Thursday’s …
Since it has been decided that “Fame” will rest in a cemetery that has been neglected, who will maintain the grounds?
— Cynthia Hillard
… Commission approves proposed site, amenities for ‘Fame’
Keep it hidden until this insanity passes. Have an exact replica made of some sort of inexpensive hard-to-destroy material. Modern plastics can be very tough. Place it right back at the original location with cameras at different angles.
— Willie Boone
Visiting Salisbury without that monument in its original, intended location is like visiting Rome without the Colosseum. It just doesn’t work.
— Kevin Wilson
I live here and hate going past the spot where she stood my whole life.
— Tika Ann Davis
New Dollar General approved in Granite Quarry area
I need to buy stock in Dollar General.
— James Lambert
Soon there will be one on every corner!
— James Bostwick
Josh Bergeron: Rowan’s connection to Postal Service …
Salisbury was also a distribution point for mail going west to all cities between here and Asheville and east to all cities between here and Wadesboro.
Most mail came by train four or five times a day. It was unloaded at The Salisbury Depot and sent via truck to its destinations. I should know.
My father was the Star Route Mail contractor for over 20 years with a fleet of trucks doing this service.
— George W. Benson
… Messaging was strong during virtual Democratic …
You will lose your guns and freedom.
America will become a socialist country. I cannot believe what I have read. Continue wearing a mask for three months for a political coup. Wake up.
— Robin Ruppe
Vote for the Democrats and the United States of America will be a socialist country before the first four years are over.
— Phillip Bradshaw
Vote for Republicans and the United States of America will be a dictatorship of oligarchs instead of a capitalist socialist democracy.
— Reginald Brown
Letter: Absentee ballot request addressed to dead mother
Thank you for clarifying this distinction for those so eager to suspect fraud.
— Joanne Bryla
Leonard Pitts: How many would choose whiteness …
Once you start dealing with people one-to-one we all want the same things: to provide for our families, to have a home, to have decent education.
We are not so different. Let us focus on what we have in common. Just my opinion.
— Cynthia Hillard
We are not a democracy we are a republic that elects it representatives through democratic elections.
We cannot choose democracy. It is not up for a choice.
A pure democracy is just mob rule. Saying the choice is between “whiteness” and democracy is just more identity politics.
— Douglas Jacobs
Public Art Committee hears plans for ‘Paint the Pavement’ …
I hope the committee will reach out to N.C. DOT and request special permission to do some of the downtown intersections.
— David Post
Odd this idea comes up after Mayor Pro Tem Al Heggins wanted “Black Lives Matter” painted in the streets. Maybe this is a back door to her getting her way without approval of the city council.
— Vera Cope
Supporters, Mississippi governor rally in Rowan
Not a mask in sight. And they wonder why we can’t get back to some sense of normalcy. You can spread COVID without a fever.
— April Eddinger Sherrill