Letter: God-given rights trampled on during shutdown
Published 12:00 am Friday, May 15, 2020
This letter is in response to Bobbie Troutman’s letter published Sunday. (“Don’t be selfish during outbreak”)
I would like to make a few things clear. I did say some people are more vulnerable to the virus than others. This we know to be fact.
What I also said that was not printed in reporter Liz Moomey’s recent story (“Protesters want stay-at-home order to end”) was that the most vulnerable should take extra precautions and those in congregate facilities should be given extra protection as well.
Yes, their lives are just as precious. If people want to talk about how precious every life is, thousands of babies every year are murdered in “essential” abortion clinics in N.C. alone compared to 615 COVID-19 deaths to date. That should be unsettling.
If we should fear anything, it should be God’s judgment on our country for taking those precious innocent lives.
Our God-given and Constitutional rights are being trampled on. If that, as an American citizen, doesn’t bother people, I don’t know what to say.
I, along with hundreds of other Rowan County citizens, if not thousands, are outraged that our children and grandchildren face a very grim future in America if we do not take a stand now against socialism.
I apologize if that rubs people the wrong way, I respect other’s opinions and their right to err on the side of caution. But I ask people to not criticize those who are trying to defend our (you included) constitutional rights.
— Elizabeth Hilton