Letter: Don’t be selfish during outbreak

Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 10, 2020

I read the article last week about protest at the courthouse (“Reopen protesters call for end to stay-at-home order”). I found it very upsetting.

Elizabeth Hilton made the remark that only a few people are in danger if they get the coronavirus. That would be the elderly. Do they not count?

Apparently not according to her. A grandmother said she misses taking her grandchildren to the park. Everyone does but would she prefer taking a chance with their lives?

For the woman that said her life has been taken away because she can’t go to church, I go to church every Sunday when I go my computer. No, it’s not the same, but it’s what has to be done now.

This virus is a serious thing. Anyone that doesn’t take it that way is selfish and disrespectful to other people.

In my opinion, if they stop the stay-at-home order entirely then everyone should have to wear a facemask or be fined and not allowed in stores. Whether Elizabeth Hilton thinks so or not, my life and my husband’s life matters to our families and our friends. Besides, only God has a right to make that decision.

— Bobbie Troutman
