Letter: Bream did the right thing, law firm doing same

Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 7, 2020

I applaud Dr. John Bream, who made the sound decision to do what is right with his op-ed regarding the Citadel published April 21 (“Outbreak, response concerning at Citadel nursing home”).

Now, the law office of Wallace and Graham has joined forces to do what is right in protecting residents and their loved ones at the Citadel. Reports of deaths reaching 17 persons, numbers of instances where little or no information is given to family members and details of negligence prompt those who care to take action through investigation and documentation. Senior care residents are our most vulnerable citizens, as the majority fall in the age frame most likely to become ill with coronavirus. And certainly those living at the Citadel or similar facilities are not there because they are in good health.

We are living in frightening times, but most of us are in our homes and have the ability to seek medical help or at least call a family, church member or neighbor if we need assistance. That is not an option for many in nursing facilities. How frightening that must be!

I salute Dr. Bream and Wallace and Graham for their courage and wisdom in exposing the inexcusable conditions for both residents and employees at the Citadel. They have given a voice to Citadel residents, as rules bar family and friends from visits. We people who value quality of life should support Dr. Bream, Wallace and Graham and insist that all deserve dignity and medical attention. It is the right thing to do.

— Julie Pinkston
