O’Charley’s donates food to Salisbury VA staff
Published 2:05 pm Tuesday, April 28, 2020
- Photo submitted - Salisbury VA Medical Center staff and employees from O’Charley’s unload donated meals last week.
The O’Charley’s restaurant in Salisbury last week donated 75 hot lunches to staff at the W.G. “Bill” Hefner VA Medical Center’s Community Living Center and others doing COVID-19 screening at the facility’s entrance.
Salisbury VA Police assisted representative from O’Charley’s by meeting them at the gate, directing them through the screening process and escorting them to the receiving area. Other staff, including nurse managers, support staff and Salisbury VA Health Care System Assistant Director Ron Maurer all made themselves available at the front of the Community Living Center to help distribute the donation to staff members on the front line.
“The CLC staff were greatly appreciative of the kind gesture and it certainly helped boost morale,” said Lauren Crotts, Community Living Center nurse manager.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began affecting the Salisbury VA Health Care System’s daily operational needs, many employees have been taking on additional roles to fill in gaps where extra staff may be needed to assist, a news release said. Some employees have also been working in extreme conditions, with rapidly changing guidance, as well as coming into work outside of their normal hours, the news release said.
“As a health care system, all of our employees are considered essential, and have been up for the challenge,” the Salisbury VA said in a news release.
Other businesses who have donated food for frontline staff include Domino’s Pizza and Krispy Kreme.
For further guidance or questions regarding donations, the Salisbury VA Health Care System’s Voluntary Service Office can be reached at (704) 638-9000 extension 13906.