Ann Farabee: Get set
Published 12:00 am Friday, February 28, 2020

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On your mark. Get set. Go.
Year after year, early each morning I would go to my classroom, sit down at my desk, and look over my plans for the day. On that desk, I always tried to set out everything my class would need for that day.
Then, as the school day ended, I would finally sit down at my desk again. By this time, a lot of stuff had accumulated there. Those late afternoons brought organizing, paper grading, preparation, reflection, and closure. Before I left school, my goal was to set before me every thing we would need for the next day.
What happened in the hours between the beginning and the ending of our day? A lot of hard work.
Getting set for each day was important. If I was set for the day, it made a difference:
* I was a better teacher.
* I was a better person.
* The students were better, too.
As I was getting set one morning before students arrived, I was looking for something – not sure what it was – in my right hand desk drawer.
As I rummaged through it, I noticed a Bible.
I took it out.
I opened it.
I immediately saw these words: I have set the Lord before me always: because he is at my right hand. Psalm 16:8
I looked over at that right hand desk drawer.
I looked back at the Bible in my hand.
I read the verse one more time.
I decided that the Bible in my right hand desk drawer opening to that verse when I picked it up was not a coincidence.
In some ways, we all get set for our day, don’t we?
We plan. We work hard. We organize. We make sure everything is ready – for ourselves and for others.
But to set the Lord before us always – is more important than any plans we ever make.
As we begin our day.
As we go through our day.
As our day comes to an end.
Because He is at our right hand.
That is close.
He protects us. He has plans for us.
Whatever our days are like – in a classroom, in a living room, in a prayer room, in a conference room, in a hospital room, in a dorm room – we can set the Lord before us always – and know that He is at our right hand.
At our right hand. Right now.
Amazing, isn’t it?
Let’s set the Lord before us – always.
Ann is a speaker and teacher. Contact her at or