Doug Creamer: Never give up
Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 8, 2020

Doug Creamer
I imagine you watched the Super Bowl on Sunday. I watch the Super Bowl every year. Maybe I should say it this way; I watch the commercials during the Super Bowl. Even though I won’t be discussing them with my students this year, I still watched them. It’s interesting to see how we market products and how that has changed over the years.
I also enjoy the pregame pageantry. Every year they produce a video showing the beauty of our country and salute our men and women in the military. I like the singing of “America the Beautiful” and the National Anthem. I usually enjoy the half-time show. I just noticed by what I wrote that it seems that I enjoy all the things that surround the big game.
Well, let’s be honest, often the Super Bowl ends up being a blowout. Many times by the end of the third quarter I have muted the game and am off doing other things. I always keep checking back and want to see the final score.
This year was a different story. At half-time the score was tied and the game had my interest. The game remained close until the end. It was probably one of the most exciting Super Bowls in recent memory. Whether you liked the outcome depends on whether your team won. Either way, it was still a good, close game.
I remember noticing that the score was 20 to 10 and there were about nine minutes left in the game. I told my wife that anything can happen and that either team could still win the game. My wife said that nine minutes in a Super Bowl could last an hour. I laughed, and it almost did last an hour. Well, unless you are living under a rock…and yes, I saw that Super Bowl ad… you know how the game turned out.
It makes me think about something very important…no matter what our circumstances look like, we can never give up. Things can always turn around. I am realistic enough to know that sometimes they don’t turn around, BUT, I have seen things that looked impossible actually happen. I have seen it in the sports arena and I have seen it in life.
I know people who have received devastating medical news and then seen God move in miraculous ways and change everything around. Some of the circumstances were uphill battles, but in the end, God won. I believe God uses modern medical procedures, guiding the doctor’s hands, to bring about His victory. But I have to admit, I still like seeing the miracles.
I know some people who have reached the end of their rope in their marriages. They were ready to sign the dotted line and end it. But God stepped in and did a miracle. The enemy thought he had won, but God got the victory.
I have read stories of people who were past broke and couldn’t imagine hope. But God used people to give them a chance. Some may claim they got some lucky breaks, but I believe they worked hard and God’s favor rested upon them. Their story again reveals that my God is going to win the victory.
I firmly believe that God is a master at taking broken and messed up lives and turning them around. The enemy thinks he has won when people get hooked on drugs, legal or illegal. I know too many stories of people who have been set free from that trap. They may still be tempted, but God is going to help them keep their victory.
I think we falsely believe that if we lose a skirmish that we have lost the battle. Everyone who fights loses some of the skirmishes along the way. We all get knocked down. We all fail. We all sin. The battle is the Lord’s. We have to get up and start fighting again. We also have to know who is on our side. God does not know defeat, He only knows victory. With Him on your side, you WILL overcome. You will defeat your enemy. You will have the victory.
I want to encourage those who are fighting and feel like you are losing, KEEP FIGHTING, for the battle is the Lord’s. Get up! You can overcome, even though you have heard the whispers in your ear that you won’t. God is going to help you. You may get the miracle, or you may be called to fight the good fight of the faith. Keep fighting. Keep praying. Don’t lose hope. Keep believing. I believe you are going to see a victory.
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