Letter: If economy is the judge, Trump wins in landslide

Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 19, 2019

The United States economy continues to be strong despite attempts by some to talk us into a recession in order to gain votes for liberal and socialist candidates running for president against President Trump.

There were 266,000 new jobs created last month. That was more than 100,000 more jobs than experts predicted.  There are 158 million Americans working today, the highest in our history. Employment of African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans and women is the highest in our history.  Unemployment dropped to 3.5%, which is the lowest in at least 50 years. Wages rose by a solid 3.1% in November compared with a year earlier.

The stock market is at the highest level ever.  Close to 100 million households out of 130 million total households own mutual funds or stock portfolios in personal, IRA or 401(k) accounts that are increasing for retirement or consumption purposes. The often-repeated statement that the robust stock market only helps the wealthy is patently false.

The Trump-haters will continue to claim that our longest economic expansion in history is not due to the policies of the president, but I guarantee, without any doubt whatsoever, that if we were in a recession, the same naysayers would say it was Trump’s fault.

Just think of the progress which could be made if the Democrats in Washington, D.C., would finally get over Hillary Clinton’s loss and work with the president instead of against him.

During my political career, I have always been told that “people vote their pocketbooks.” If that is the case in this election, Trump will win in a landslide despite his unorthodox leadership style and his personal shortcomings.

He was elected because he is not a career politician and he is “America first” in his dealings with world leaders, some of whom have taken advantage of our country in the past.

Phil Kirk
