Letter: Where’s disgust today with lack of decency?

Published 12:00 am Sunday, December 1, 2019

There is but one thing that needs to be said about the Republican congressmen who are questioning witnesses in the House impeachment investigation, as they attempt to discredit and tarnish the reputations of some of the most dedicated, self-sacrificing, brave patriots we will ever see — Ambassadors Yovanovitch and Taylor, Lt. Col. Vindman and more.

As Army Counsel Jack Welch said to Republican Sen. Joseph McCarthy in 1954 after the senator had destroyed countless reputations during weeks of hearings on those he accused of being Communists in the government and the Army, “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

My father was a Republican member of Congress during that time, and I can vividly remember his disgust with McCarthy and his methods. Where is the disgust today? 

— Libby Fitzgerald

Lynchburg, Virginia

Editor’s note: Libby Fitzgerald and her sister Mary Miller-James, of Salisbury, are the daughters of Republican Congressman William Miller, who was chosen as Barry Goldwater’s running mate for vice president in 1964.