Letter: Be respectful of others when holiday shopping

Published 12:00 am Sunday, December 1, 2019

I know this is the busy time of year and lines are long, but shoppers should have patience or not get in line.

A rude lady jumped in front of me at Kohl’s but she wistfully apologized by saying, “Oh, did I get in front of you? I’m sorry. I did not see you. Do you want me to move?”

I said, “No, you can stay there.”

To add insult to injury, her daughter came up and said, “I did not break in line. We are shopping together.”

The daughter had an armful of stuff. So that was two disrespectful people.

Please, if you are shopping and don’t want to stand in line, please don’t shop. Respect is appreciated by everyone.

 Peggy Shuping 
