Faith Briefs November 8-10
Published 12:00 am Friday, November 8, 2019
- Faith briefs, Salisbury NC
Tonight: Smith Chapel pastoral anniversary
CLEVELAND — Smith Chapel Apostolic Holiness Church, 1735 Mt. Tabor Church Road, observes its 42nd pastoral and 52nd ministerial anniversary beginning this evening at 7:30 p.m. Pastor Charles Davidson of Free Will Baptist Church of Statesville will be the speaker.
On Sunday at 11 a.m. the Ministerial staff will host the service.
The Sunday 3 p.m. service will feature Bishop Dr. George Jackson of Citadel of Faith Christian Fellowship of Thomasville as speaker.
Learn more at 704-920-0778.
Clothing giveaway
CLEVELAND — Saturday 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. at Ambassador for Christ Church, 210 Clement Road, clothing giveaway as well as blankets and pillows, etc. Hotdogs will be served. All is free.
Oakdale will host The Noblemen
SPENCER — On Saturday at 6 p.m. Oakdale Baptist Church, 200 Charles St., will host The Noblemen gospel group. A love offering will be taken.
Soldiers Memorial women’s fellowship
The women’s fellowship of Soldiers Memorial AMEZ Church will present the Kings and Queens dancing group Monday at 11:15 a.m. in the Enrichment Center, 306 N. Church street at the monthly luncheon. Bring a dish to share. The public is invited.
Word of Life Veteran Recognition Service
Word of Life Family Worship Center, 726 E. Liberty St., will have its annual Veteran’s Recognition Service on Sunday during the 10 a.m. service. Veterans and Active Duty Members of the military will be recognized for their service to the country.
Dr. Martha Starks, pastor, will deliver words of encouragement to the veterans and family members of those who are no longer with us. Patriotic music will be provided by the Gospel Choir as well as solos.
For information or transportation call at 704-633-2431.
Pine Ridge Revival
CHINA GROVE — At Pine Ridge Baptist Church, 880 Old Linn Road, Pastor Curtis Parker will be preaching at each service.
November 10 -13
Sunday 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. .
Monday–Wednesday 7 p.m. .
There will be special music each service
For more information call 704-279-0574 or 704-857-3182
Weaver and Lunsford at Resurrection Life
Resurrection Life Church, 627 Newsome Road, will welcome Matthew Weaver and Clay Lunsford in concert on Sunday at 10 a.m.
The Resurrection Life Worship Team will accompany. A love offering will be received. Info at 704-638-0002.
Host pastor is Rev. Jerry Snipes.
Union Lutheran hosts pastor from Estonia
Pastor Siimon Haamer, Dean of the Tartu Academy of Theology in Tartu, Estonia will be the guest preacher at Union Lutheran Church for its 10:30 a.m. service on Sunday. Haamer was among the first graduates of TAT in 1998 and felt the call to teach a new generation of Christian leaders for Estonia. Under his leadership, TAT has embarked on a major expansion project to serve the increasing student population.
Pastor Haamer is in the US as a participant in the Michael C.D McDaniel Reformation Conference sponsored by the Carolinas Mission District, North American Lutheran Church which was held at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary in Charlotte on Nov. 7.
Southern City celebrates 122 years
EAST SPENCER — Southern City Tabernacle AME Zion Church, 940 S Long St., celebrates its 122nd Church Anniversary on Sunday at 11 a.m.
The theme is “He has been with us from the beginning; we’ve got a testimony!” Everyone in attendance is asked to wear your favorite team jersey. The public is invited to attend.
Rev. Patrick Tate is host pastor.
Immanuel Lutheran to honor Veterans
ROCKWELL — Immanuel Lutheran Church, 2070 Emanuel Church Road, will honor its veterans this Sunday during the 11 a.m. service. Special music will be provided by Christy Trexler.
Veterans may wish to wear their uniforms or any insignia indicating the branch of service in which they served. Rev. Bruce Sheeks, pastor, will deliver the sermon. All veterans are invited to attend.
Lilly’s Chapel pastoral anniversary
Lilly’s Chapel Church of God, 618 W. Thomas St., will hold its annual Pastoral Anniversary service on Sunday at 3 p.m. Guest speaker will be Bishop Willie Littlejohn, pastor of Mt. Calvary Worship & Praise Ministries of Wake Forest, with music by the Mt. Calvary Church Choir. Host pastor is Dr. Doris Clawson.
Trinity Presbyterian observes Men’s Day
Trinity Presbyterian Church USA, 300 S. Caldwell St., celebrates Men’s Day on Sunday at 3 p.m. Rev. Arthur Lee Heggins, former pastor of St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church, 1992-2016 will be the guest speaker. The program will feature the “Voices of Praise” of Salisbury.
In November 2017 Rev. Heggins was elected as the first African-American to serve on the Town Council in China Grove.
Elder George Miller Sr. is president of Trinity Men’s Council and Rev. Olen V. Bruner is host pastor.
God’s Will Be Done Pastoral anniversary
God’s Will Be Done Ministries, 1401 Bringle Ferry Road, celebrates Pastor Randolph Melton’s seventh pastoral anniversary on Sunday at 4 p.m.
Guest speaker will be Pastor Gary S. Milton of Boxwood Baptist Church in Mocksville.
Food will be served from 2-3 p.m.
Pastor Williams’ first year anniversary
On Sunday at 4 p.m. Rev. Williams will be celebrating his first pastoral anniversary at Tower of Power United Holy Church. Rev. Frankie L. McLean will be the guest speaker. Rev. McLean is the senior pastor at Apex First Baptist Church in Apex. Rev. McLean holds a Juris Doctorate from NC Central University and has more than 20 years of experience working in the pharmaceutical industry.
At The Cross Ministries revival
At The Cross Ministries, 201 West D. Ave., holds revival services Nov. 12-14. Praise and Worship starts at at 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday: Dr. Martha Starks, Word of Life Family Worship Center;
Wednesday-Thursday: Dr. Robert L. McGowan Sr., Greater Galilee Baptist Church, Charlotte and Winston-Salem.
Host pastor is Debra Ellison.
Living Christmas Tree at First Baptist
First Baptist Church will present the 28th annual Living Christmas Tree services Dec. 5-9.
Services Thursday, Friday, Monday are at 7 p.m. and Saturday-Sunday at 5 and 8 p.m. The choir will be joined by orchestra and narration, telling the story of how God keeps His promises and celebrating the birth of Jesus. Tickets are available to the public beginning, Nov. 14. For more information, visit
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