Town Crier community meetings Oct. 21-27

Published 12:00 am Monday, October 21, 2019

Community Calendar

Third Monday, Oct. 21
— Young Women of Church Women United, 9-10 am conference call. Info: 704-278-3505. ­
— Rowan County Board of Commissioners, 6 pm, 130 W. Innes St.
— Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners, 6:30 pm, Cabarrus County Gov Center, 65 Church St SE, Concord.
— Community bingo, Trinity Living Center, 1 pm, 1416-A S. Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave.
— Old Rowan Fibre Guild, 6:30 pm, Center for Faith & the Arts, 207 W. Harrison St,
— Harold B. Jarrett American Legion, dinner 7 pm, meeting follows meal.
— Spencer Historic Preservation Commission, 7 pm, Town Hall.
— Cleveland Lions Club, 7 pm, Cleveland Lions Den, Cemetery St, Meetings include dinner. 704-278-0974.

Fourth Tuesday, Oct. 22
— Free coffee and doughnuts for veterans, 9-11 am, K&W Cafeteria 1925 Jake Alexander Blvd.
— TOPS NC 437, 10 am, Lakeview Baptist, 2532 Lane St, Kannapolis. Weigh-in 9:30 am, 704-938-3634.
— Planning Board regular meeting, 4 pm, City Council Chambers, 217 S. Main St.
— People Growing Together Toastmasters, 5:30-6:30 pm, St. John’s Lutheran Ed Building, 200 W. Innes St. , Glenda Edwards 828-310-8491,
— Rowan County Board of Social Services (DSS), 5:30 pm, 1813 E. Innes St.
— Rowan County Tea Party, 6 pm dinner at Statesville Blvd Blue Bay, 7 pm presentation.
— RoCo Democrat Party exec cttee, 6:30 pm, RCDP Headquarters, 1504 W. Innes St

Fourth Wednesday, Oct. 23
— Rockwell Community Bingo, Age 60+. Rockwell McDonalds 9 a.m. breakfast, 10 a.m. Bingo.
— Salisbury Lion’s Club, Noon, Harold B. Jarrett Legion Post, 1024 Lincolnton Road.

Fourth Thursday, Oct. 24
— Civitan Club of Salisbury, noon-1:30 pm,Country Club of Salisbury, Club Drive.
— Rowan Redbuds Garden Club, 1 p.m. Meet at Salem Lutheran Church, 5080 Sherrill’s Ford Road, to carpool on the West Rowan Barn Quilt Tour.
— Amvets Post 565 Bingo, Rowan County Fairgrounds. Early games 4:30, regular program 7 pm.
— Rowan Alzheimer’s Support, 5:30 pm, Trinity Oaks. 728 Klumac Road. Teresa Dakins, Deborah Tillman 704-603-2776.
— Fulton Masonic Lodge member meeting, 6 pm, 401 N. Fulton St.
— Davidson County Democrats, Yarborough’s, Lexington. Dinner 6 pm, meeting 7 pm,
— Carolina Historical Assoc. for Metal Detecting, 7:30 pm, Club House, 2815 Grace Church Road, 704-310-6321, 336-474-7268

Fourth Friday, Oct. 25
— Salisbury Kiwanis, noon-1 p.m. Country Club,

Fourth Saturday, Oct. 26
— ‘Make A Difference Day’ in the 900 block of N. Main St.
— Salisbury Farmer’s Market, 9 a.m.-noon. 520 S. Main St,
— Lexington Farmers Market, 8 am-1 pm, 129 S. Railroad St, Lexington.
— Toastmasters, Goldmine, 8:30 am, Connect Christian Church, 3101 Davidson Hwy, Concord. Matthew Charity, 704-307-8187,
— R A Clement Association, 9 am, R. A. Clement Rosenwald School old bldg, Cleveland.
— West Rowan Neighborhood Center Advisory Council, 10 am, R. A. Clement Rosenwald School old bldg, Cleveland.
— VFW Post 8989 fish fry, 11 a.m. until gone. Flounder plate $10 with all the fixins. Eat in, carry out, drinks extra. 2500 N. Cannon Blvd., Kannapolis.
— Cleveland Lions Club Brunswick Stew, 11 am-3 pm or until gone. Eat in, take out. $9/quart; $15/half-gallon; $25/gallon. $10 Eat in includes dessert. Cleveland Lions Den, 106 Cemetery St, Cleveland.
— BBQ at Knox Chapel UMC, 3520 Amity Hill Road, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Sandwiches and plates, homemade desserts, drinks. Eat in, take out
— DSI Halloween Funfest, 3-6 pm. Food, trick-or-treating, free games, activities, hay rides. Trick-or-treating 4-5 p.m. Salisbury City Hall parking lot, 217 S. Main St.
— Price High school alumni, 3 pm, Western Star Lodge no. 9, 912 Old Concord Road. Carolyn William, pres., 704-633-7162.

• Listings based on last best information received. Confirm before attending.

Community Calendar