Letter: Nominations open for Service Above Self Awards
Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Rowan Rotary Club and United Way of Rowan County need the public’s help to recognize the volunteer efforts of children and youth in our community. After all, today’s young volunteers will be the future volunteer leaders in our community.
The Service Above Self program is sponsored by the Rowan Rotary Club, United Way, Cheerwine and Catawba College. We do not want to miss recognizing any children or youth who have given generously of themselves to help others this past year. Last year, more than 200 students from local schools and organizations were recognized for providing volunteer service.
Young people from 5-18 years of age are eligible for recognition as individuals or as volunteers in groups or organizations. All individuals and groups nominated will be recognized at the Service Above Self Annual Awards Ceremony at Keppel Auditorium on the Catawba College Campus December 12 at 6:30 pm. Judges will review nominations, and select three winners from each of the following categories: Individuals and Groups in K-5; Middle School; and High School. Cash awards will be presented to winners. The top middle and high school winners will also receive very generous scholarships to Catawba College.
This year we will celebrate the 24th Annual Service Above Self Awards, and we will recognize nominees for service they performed between August 1, 2018 and October 31 of this year. Nomination forms are available online at rowanserviceaboveself.com or at the United Way Office at 131 W. Innes Street, Suite 201, Salisbury. Nominations must be submitted or postmarked by November 15, 2019.
I urge you to help us recognize those who have given so much to the service of others by nominating a child or youth today. Encourage your family, friends, fellow co-workers, teachers, church and other youth program leaders to nominate a child or group as well. And join us in the Service Above Self Celebration. You will be glad you did.
— Jerry Chandler