Letter: We need God in our lives in today’s uncertain world

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 9, 2019

If you love your city, country state or nation, get out and vote in elections. If you don’t vote, don’t complain. If you do not vote, you are leaving important decision up to just anyone.

Our government is supposed to be of the people, by the people and for the people. It has become a government of the people, by special interests and for their benefit. We, as a people, are supposed to pay our taxes, vote for the powers to be and keep our mouth shut. For too long, we have done just that.

The country is morally in a sewer. A lifestyle that the almighty God calls an abomination is openly displayed and admired. Millions of babies are snatched from their mother’s womb and murdered. Abortion is big business.

Think of how many great people have been destroyed and never allowed to live their lives. We have destroyed so many lives that we are fast becoming a nation of old people.

Many young people are not taught at home to lead godly, productive lives and to respect authority. With no direction, they turn to drugs, alcohol, sex and crime.

Wake up people. Our country is deteriorating fast. What this country needs is Jesus. He alone can save us, not Republicans, not Democrats or any other political party or person.

May God have mercy on us.

— George M. Simmons
