West Rowan Elementary teacher gets DAR grant
Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 3, 2019
- Submitted photo Brandy Huneycutt and Vice Regent of John Knox DAR Deborah Alexander.
Regent Kathryn “Kit” Davis and members of the John Knox DAR Chapter have awarded Brandy Huneycutt the $500 Helen Pouch Memorial Grant, which will further American history education for her fifth-grade students at West Rowan Elementary School in Cleveland.
Since its inception, the Helen Pouch Memorial Grant has traditionally supported the DAR’s mission of education.
Huneycutt plans to use the $500 to buy Colonial costumes that the students will use to perform skits about Colonial life and the American Revolution. The students will video the skits and the videos will play on the morning school news so other students can learn about America’s beginning.
Huneycutt is in her 22nd year of teaching. She is married to Shane Huneycutt and they have a son, Dane.
Huneycutt has been a member of the John Knox Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution since Jan. 5, 2018, and her patriot is David Flanagan.
Phares Sechler, a past regent and active member of the John Knox chapter, is Huneycutt’s aunt.
Two grants are available per state and each DAR chapter may select one applicant. The grant also raises awareness of DAR and the work it does to support historic preservation, patriotism and education.