Inaugural seminar and worship service at Hood’s ICFSH
Published 12:00 am Friday, August 30, 2019
The International Center of Faith, Science and History will present its Inaugural Seminar and Worship Service on Friday, September 13, 2019 from 8:30am-1:00pm. This event will feature Dr. Charles H. Long, the keynote speaker, a distinguished panel, and Rev. Dr. Teresa Fry Brown, the guest speaker.

Charles H. Long
The seminar is titled “The Matrix and Memory of Water: Commemorating a 400 Year Sojourn through Faith, Science, and History in America.” The event will take place in the Albert J.D. Aymer Center on the Salisbury, NC campus. This event is open to the public. All are welcome! To register, please go to the Eventbrite registration link:

Teresa Fry Brown
Dr. Charles H. Long is Emeritus Professor of Religious Studies at UC Santa Barbara, and former Professor of Religion at the Universities of Chicago, North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Duke, and Syracuse. Dr. Long is one of the most influential and pioneering scholars in the study of religion from the past 50 years. Considered the preeminent founder and advocate of the study of Black Religion, Long was exploring religion and colonialism and the importance of AfroAmerican religion as early as the 1960s and early 1970s. His voice and presence will be invaluable in helping the International Center of Faith, Science and History envision its role and responsibility in navigating the nexus of faith and science at a historically black theological institution.
The panelists include Dr. Theodore Walker, Professor, SMU/Perkins School of Theology; Dr. Josette Wilkes, Assistant Professor, Livingstone College; Dr. Carol T. Mitchell, Professor Emerita, Office of STEM Education, University of Nebraska.
Rev. Dr. Teresa Fry Brown is the Bandy Professor of Preaching at Candler School of Theology, Executive Director for Research and Scholarship and Historiographer, AME Church. Rev. Dr. Fry Brown holds the office of The Bandy Chair in Preaching, which is considered by many to be the premier chair in homiletics in the country. Selected from a national pool of candidates, Fry Brown is Candler’s fourth Bandy Professor. The International Center of Faith, Science and History at Hood Theological Seminary is honored to have her presence among us and her prophetic gift inspire us to greater works as the academic year begins and a new center is launched on the campus.
Hood Theological Seminary, located at 1810 Lutheran Synod Drive in Salisbury, NC, is a graduate and professional school where intellectual discourse and ministerial preparation occur in tandem within the framework of a community of faith. Sponsored by the A. M. E. Zion Church and approved by the University Senate of the United Methodist Church, its student body currently comprises persons from many different denominations. Hood’s mission is to prepare women and men for bold and creative leadership for the Christian church for a diverse world.