Dr. Magryta: Sugar and cancer
Published 12:00 am Sunday, August 4, 2019

Dr. Magryta
Dr. Chazelas and colleagues looked at the association between sugar-laden beverage consumption and all-cause cancer risk in a study published in the British Medical Journal this past May.
“101,257 participants aged 18 and over from the French NutriNet-Santé cohort (2009-2017) were included. Consumptions of sugary drinks and artificially sweetened beverages were assessed by using repeated 24 hour dietary records, which were designed to register participants’ usual consumption for 3,300 different food and beverage items.
“The consumption of sugary drinks was significantly associated with the risk of overall cancer and breast cancer. The consumption of artificially sweetened beverages was not associated with the risk of cancer. In specific sub-analyses, the consumption of 100% fruit juice was significantly associated with the risk of overall cancer.” (Chazelas et. al. 2019)
Why discuss another study looking at the obvious?
Simple answer: Cancer scares people. Obesity and heart disease do so with much less vigor.
This is an association study only. They go on to state, “In 2010, Singh and colleagues estimated that among all worldwide yearly deaths from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, about 178,000, were attributable to sugary drink consumption. Sugary drink consumption was one of the behavioral risk factors that contributed the most to the increase in global attributable deaths and disability adjusted life years (DALYs) between 1990 and 2016. Artificially sweetened beverages were initially envisioned as a healthier alternative, however, they are associated with a higher incidence of hypertension, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Besides, some artificial sweeteners were suggested to increase glucose intolerance by altering the gut microbiota.” (Chazelas et. al. 2019)
Added sugar is the enemy when it is consumed in volume. The current recommended amount is 8 grams a day. That is two packets of table sugar. Not a lot.
Avoid cancer by not feeding the monster. Look at your daily intake of sugar and find places to cut out or back on volume.
Dr. M
Dr. Chris Magryta is a physician at Salisbury Pediatric Associates. Contact him at newsletter@salisburypediatrics.com