Doug Creamer: Chapter two

Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 13, 2019

Doug Creamer

            There are events in life that cause things to change. Some of the events we welcome with open arms, while others are birthed out of difficulties. The kind of changes I am talking about create a new normal for our everyday lives. It’s a time when we are forced to move forward, to see and experience things from a different point of view.

            The difficult things could be losing a job, having a parent or child move in, divorce, loss of a loved one, or a tragic accident that leaves one disabled. The joyful ones include graduation, getting a new job, getting married, having a child, moving into a new home, or (in my case) retirement. All these, and many others, will create a new chapter in our lives. It’s a new challenge, a new way to experience our faith in God, a new way to relate to those around us.

            Here are some things to avoid as you enter your new chapter. Don’t get ahead of God or try to do things in your own strength. You have to do your part, but wait for God’s guidance. While many changes, even good ones, are scary, don’t live in fear. You are going someplace you have never been; trust in the Lord. Finally, don’t doubt the goodness of God, even when you are going through difficult changes. God loves you more than any human being can and will walk with you through the changes.

            Here are a few tips to help you with your new chapter. First, find someone who has already gone down this new road you are on. Look for those who are positive and encouraging and who will give you some good guidance. Change is always difficult, but finding others to help and guide you along the way can make all the difference.

            Second, try to get some rest. Change can be stressful and take a toll on you. Getting proper rest and not burning the candle at both ends can really help. You want to be able to think clearly as you make decisions, and tired minds can often be cloudy.

            Third, start preparing for the change. Sometimes you can look down the road and see it coming. Work to prepare your mind, your surroundings, and your family for how life will be different. You won’t know all the details, but getting ready will make for a smooth transition.

           The best way to prepare and get through any change is to spend some time with your Heavenly Father. In your spirit, allow yourself to get so close you could crawl up into His arms. Your Heavenly Daddy wants to love on you. He wants you close through the murky waters. He will protect you. As you stay close to Him, He will impart the wisdom and grace you need.

            I think it is critical through any change in life to stir up your faith. If you are moving forward in God’s plans for your life, there is going to be resistance. The enemy will pay you a visit with gifts such as guilt, shame, doubt, and fear. The enemy will do anything to stop you from moving forward.

            The way to combat that is to stir up your faith. You need to reflect on your past experiences with God. Think about your personal testimony when God came through for you in the past. He will do it again. He’s not going to fail you. Remembering what He did for you in the past will build your faith for what He will do for you not only in the present situation but also the future.

            God’s plan is to grow us up spiritually. He uses carefully articulated plans to create the growth that He wants to see in us. I believe that God is constantly trying to create the environment in our lives that will draw us closer to Him, give us a greater knowledge of Him, and cause our faith to become stronger. That means that God will use everything in His power to bring about His purposes, including new chapters in our lives. He wants us to trust Him and believe in Him for more.

            I want to encourage you if you find yourself in a place where God is writing a new chapter in your life. Trust in the goodness of your Heavenly Author to write an exciting and good chapter for you. That doesn’t mean that you won’t have tough times, but it does mean that He will walk with you through them. He is bringing a blessing to you through each new chapter.

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