Local arts & entertainment news July 4-10
Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 4, 2019
Slide show of the 1969 moon landing
7:30 p.m. Saturday
Astronomical Society of Rowan County hosts Dave G. as he presents a unique slide show of the 1969 moon landing at the Horizons Unlimited planetarium, 1636 Parkview Circle. Info: Barbara Barrier 704-664-6939.
Kannapolis History Associates present
July 8 • 7 p.m. ‘The American Revolution in North & South Carolina’— Bob Boynton and John Misenheimer show and tell about the uniforms, military gear, actions of the American and British Armies. A. L. Brown High School social room, 415 E. First St, Kannapolis. Info: Phil Goodman, 704-796-0803.
They will be focusing on the different perspectives of the Southern Campaign of the American Revolution in the Carolinas and the affects of the Revolution on the Carolinas. We will be revisiting the battles of such places as Beattie’s Ford, Camden, Cowpens, Cowan’s Ford, Sherrill’s Ford, Waxhaw and others as well as the “Race to the Dan River”. There is much recorded history of the events that took place in the Piedmont of North Carolina during the American Revolution. Together Bob and John have over 60 years of combined experience reenacting for a war that lasted 8 years from 1775 to 1783.
Save the date: LSt to present Blithe Spirit
Coming July 18-20 and July 25-27 at 7:30, Blithe Spirit by Noel Coward. In this Romantic Comedy of “other worldly proportions,” we visit Charles Condomine, who with the help of an eccentric Medium has accidentally conjured the spirit of his dead first wife Elvira. Now he has to find a way to deal with his temperamental first wife who is trying to stir trouble in the marriage between him and his second wife Ruth. Directed by Chris Eller. “From the 1920’s- 30’s era of fashion, to the magical hijinks of mischievous ghosts, to the witty, hilarious dialogue, the show will be entertaining from first to last.” Lee Street theatre, 329 N. Lee St. www.leestreet.org or 704-310-5507.
Historic Salisbury Foundation presents H.O.T. session 2
6-8 pm July 25
History on Tap: Wallace Annex, East Fisher Street. Limited spaces are available, so RSVP (and find info on sessions 2 and 3) at www.historicsalisbury.org
Sessions are free to the public but $10 donations are welcome.

The blackberry cobbler parade
18th Annual NC Blackberry Festival
July 12-13
LENOIR — The 18th Annual NC Blackberry Festival is next weekend in Downtown Lenoir beginning with the Blackberry Pageant at 5:30 Friday, followed by Gotcha Groove Band at 7:30, plus shopping at the vendor booths then the 5K and Fun Runs.
The festival continues July 13 from 9 a.m.-7 p.m. featuring the Presentation of Colors ceremony; free cobbler in the square; more live music; the Blackberry Eating Contest; vendors; blackberries and cobbler for sale; the Blackberry Patch Kids Zone.
And finally, the Blackberry Pitch is at 7 p.m. July 13 with the Lenoir Oilers.
Visit www.ncblackberryfestival.com for more information on having a BERRY good time!
37th annual China Grove Farmers Day
Save the Date: July 20 • 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
CHINA GROVE — Save the date. This year’s festival includes the Kids Barnyard on North Main near St. Marks Church and features Professor Whizzpop, balloon twisting with Gambol the Clown, the Soap Bubble Circus, the Fruit Carving Ninja, cornhole, Giant Jenga, bowling, and more.
There will be prizes awarded in the Farmers Day Veggie Contest in the categories of Longest Beans; Best Tomato (Age 13+); Oddest Tomato; Best Tomato (Age 12 and under); Longest Zucchini; Oddest Shape Potato; Most Unique Vegetable. Find entry forms at www.chinagrovenc.gov. Entries should be dropped off at Booth number 13 between 8-9 a.m. on July 20.
The Little Mr. & Miss Farmers Day Contest entrants must preregister; no late entries will be accepted. Applications can be submitted to Patti Price, 333 N. Main St., China Grove, 704-857-2466, pprice@chinagrovenc.gov
Shuttles will be available between parking and festival.
For more Farmers Day info, visit www.facebook.com/The-Official-China-Grove-Farmers-Day-NC

64th annual celebration of Scottish culture
Grandfather Mountain Highland Games return July 11-14
Grandfather Mountain Highland Games – Blaring bagpipes, astounding athletes, delicate dancers, rocking Celtic music and a spectacular highland setting make this colorful celebration of Scottish culture one of the most highly acclaimed highland games in the country. $5-75. For more info, visit gmhg.org, call 828-733-1333, or email gmhginfo@yahoo.com.
National Night Out
Tuesday evening Aug. 6
Neighborhoods in Salisbury, along with Salisbury Parks and Recreation and the Salisbury Police Department, are encouraged to host a National Night Out celebration on Tuesday, Aug. 6, with music, food, children’s games and other outdoor activities.
Founded in 1984, National Night Out is an annual campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and builds neighborhood camaraderie. The nighttime event increases awareness of local law enforcement programs such as neighborhood watch and anti-crime initiatives.
Post your photos of National Night Out on social media using the hashtag #SalisburyNightOut.
Contact your neighborhood leader or Officer Rebecca Secton at rsext@salisburync.gov, or 704-638-5333, for more information.