Letter: Babies conceived by rape, incest should live, too

Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 27, 2019

If you plant an acorn and let it grow for a month or two and jerk it out, no matter how it is killed, it is still an oak tree.

If a woman allows a human seed to be planted in her, lets it grow for a month or two, jerks it out and kills it, it is still a human being, no matter how it was killed.

A woman is definitely in charge of her body, but when she allows a seed to be planted, she is in charge of another body. That body is a human being. That is both God and nature’s plan.

If the seed is planted by rape or incest, it is still a human. Why should this human be killed to pay for the sin of the man?

The child had no say, and he or she still wants to live. That should be their right.

— Betty Keever
