Letter: Amid ‘Fame’ debate, city’s politics lack hope
Published 12:00 am Sunday, June 16, 2019
In the jaws of cynicism, empathy dies without hope.
Hope that the sacrifice soldiers make, no matter the war and the cause, would be honored.
Hope that a reminder of the price of slavery, something that stains our country’s history, could be replaced with a kinder, decent, gentler message to the people of Salisbury.
Hope that politicians, governors, citizens and city councils will devote as much diligence and debate to violence and poverty in the city of Salisbury as they do to a benign statue.
Hope that citizens realize injustice cannot be swept under the rug by removing a statue that was never relevant to the victims of truly horrendous struggles.
We are all without hope because we live in a world of such great need that politicians and leaders have failed to motivate and inspire us to even entertain the idea of a better circumstance. Our great discord has forced us to look at our neighbors with distrust and suspicion rather than as equals. The people who are given the reigns of power forget that it’s not leading by numbers or governing by the books; it’s a triumph of ideas that unites us. …
Cynicism is the bane of all hope. Hope is the promise of not just being alive when the sun comes up but the belief that the next day will be better. The day after, it’s that the future can be better than what it is.
Take down that statue, not for any other reason than to inspire the people of Salisbury. We can do better; we can be better. Let people know there is a better Salisbury on the horizon — a city that is safe, where soldiers are respected for their sacrifice and no one is denigrated or faced with injustice.
— Justin Tipton