Letter: Where was the coverage of Trump’s Europe visit

Published 12:00 am Sunday, June 9, 2019

I recently went to visit my sister in Texas. I came back and picked up the Salisbury Post to see the pictures of the very nice ceremonies in France of the remembrance of D-Day with our president, the French president, the first ladies of both countries and most of the leaders of Europe.

That was considered newsworthy by most. The story was beautifully done and shown by Texas newspapers in Austin, Bryan and College Station that I read just before my flight left for N.C .

I then checked the rest of the week’s Salisbury Post and saw no pictures of the beautiful visit with the queen of England, her family or other leaders of the world — also covered nicely in Texas.

Contrary to some sources, the meeting was beautiful and very cordial, and President Donald Trump had meetings of over an hour with both the queen and, separately, with Prince Charles. They all had a good time and kept their conversations private, for the most part, all saying they enjoyed the visits.

Rowan is a conservative county, as all of our elections in recent decades have shown. I and many local citizens think it is a rotten shame that bias and hatred would treat a sitting president in this manner.

If this had been done to President Barack Obama, the liberals of Rowan would be up in arms. That’s who the Salisbury Post strives to serve — not the majority of your readers who, without local sports and events, would drop their subscriptions.

— Jeff Warner
