J.C. Price American Legion Post 107 hosts Easter program
Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 5, 2019
- Little Miss Malayah Walls Williams, age 5, won the grand raffle, a bicycle. Submitted photo.
Submitted by Mae Carroll, Commander
More than 80 parents and children enjoyed the Easter Program on Monday, April 22, sponsored by Post 107 Legionnaires and Auxiliary. The welcome address was given by Post Commander Mae Carroll.
It should be remembered that “Easter is a religious holiday celebrating the resurrection of Christ. It follows the full moon and is a floating holiday in that it does not occur at the same time each year. According to tradition, decorated eggs illustrate new life just as Jesus began his new life on Easter. Many children have been taught that the Easter bunny lays and hides colored eggs, sweets and toys the night before Easter much like Father Christmas delivers gifts on Christmas Eve.”

Little girls loved getting their nails polished by auxiliary members. Submitted photo
Auxiliary member Brenda Avery gave greetings and introductions.Leonard Hall gave the Easter prayer.Deejay Nelson played music to entertain the children, who enjoyed games inside and outside the Post. Facepainting was done by guest Carmeka Alexander, and others. Nails were polished by auxiliary members. Some of the older children dyed and decorated eggs. The Post boiled 300 eggs for the program.
The children were given a chance to guess the number of beans in jars; winners received age-appropriate prizes and gifts. Pictures were taken by John Knox.
The Easter egg hunt was held on the 5.2 acres of land surrounding the Post, where plastic eggs were filled with candy and prizes, and numbers yielded gifts, books and decorated eggs from inside the Post. Decorated Easter eggs and age-appropriate gifts were given to each child to take home.

The children enjoyed hotdogs with all the trimmings, chips, baked beans and drinks. Submitted photo
Members, parents and children were served hotdogs with all the trimmings, chips, baked beans and drinks. 100 oatmeal cakes were donated by the Steppin’ Out Club.
Little Miss Malayah Walls Williams, age 5, won the grand raffle, a bicycle. Each child won doorprizes and raffles along with their eggs and toys. Some of the older children won LED lamps (hopefully to help them study and do their homework!)
Other Legionnaires present were Clarence Akins and Ralph Johnson. Auxiliary members included Cynthia Pharr, Barbara Blackwell, A.J. Alexander, Aretha P. Miller, Jean R. Miller and Ms Alexander.