Summer Fun: Explore a Universe of Stories at Rowan Public Library
Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 27, 2019
• Headquarters, 201 W Fisher St., 704-216-8228
• East, 110 Broad St., Rockwell, 704-216-7838
• South, 920 Kimball Road, China Grove, 704-216-7727
SALISBURY – This year’s Summer Reading theme is “Universe of Stories,” and Rowan Public Library has a multitude of program offerings for patrons of all ages to explore.
Summer Reading programs include children’s storytimes, teen activities, adult programs and a Summer Reading Film Series. Though registration for Summer Reading is encouraged, programs are open to the public. Some age restrictions may apply.
RPL’s Summer Reading programming is designed to help students and learners of all ages.
“It’s always important to us here at Rowan Public Library that our programs are both entertaining and educational,” said Hope Loman, RPL Youth Services supervisor.
“We’re hosting performers and putting on our own programs that show not only how important reading is in our lives, but also how much fun it can be.”
Summer Reading participants are organized by age bracket: children, teens and adults. Each participant tracks his or her reading hours, which qualifies them to win prizes within the age bracket, using READsquared, an online readers advisory and reading program tool that tracks reading and activities.
It is compatible with all mobile devices and gives participants easy and quick access to log and track their reading. RPL staff are trained in the use of READsquared, and staff at any branch can assist participants.
Summer Reading registration opens for all ages on May 18, and participants can register online via READsquared or at any RPL branch: Headquarters, East Branch or South Rowan Regional.
Special kick-off events are planned for May 18, too. The “East Branch Summer Reading Kick-Off” will be held at the branch from 10:30 a.m. to noon.
“Blast Off with Summer Reading 2019!” will be held at headquarters from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. On Saturday, June 1, from 5 to 8 p.m., South Rowan Regional will have a special booth promoting summer reading during the China Grove Community Block Party.
Read on for a preview of “Universe of Stories” programs, organized by age. All Summer Reading programs are free and open to the public. Contact your nearest RPL branch for more information.
Summer Reading for children is coordinated by Hope Loman (Headquarters), Tammie Foster (East Branch), and Stephanie Reister (South Regional) and is designed to include children from birth to rising fifth graders. Children who haven’t yet learned to read can still participate with their parents’ help, and several of the activities are designed for non-readers.
Children’s reading hours may be tracked June 10 through Aug. 5. Prizes are awarded when children complete various activities on their summer reading activity logs or read a certain amount of time, which can be done on paper logs or online with READ-squared. Children who earn 20 points will receive a special certificate and be entered into the Super Reader Raffle, which will be held Aug. 9.
Weekly children’s programs begin June 10 and, depending on the target age group, run four or seven weeks. These programs, designed for babies, toddler, and preschoolers, are highly interactive programs run by RPL children’s staff.
Baby Time (0-23 months)
This RPL-staffed, 30-minute program is for children 0-23 months old and their adult caregivers. Program runs four weeks, June 11 through July 6.
Headquarters (Salisbury), Wednesdays, 10 a.m.
East (Rockwell), Mondays, 10 a.m.
South (China Grove), Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.
Toddler Time (18-35 months)
This RPL-staffed, 30-minute program is for children 18-35 months and their adult caregivers. Program runs four weeks, June 11 through July 6.
Headquarters (Salisbury), Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.
East (Rockwell), Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m.
South (China Grove), Wednesdays,10:30 a.m.
Preschoolers (3-5 years)
These RPL-staffed, 30-45 minute program is for children 3 to 5 years old and their adult caregivers. Program runs seven weeks, June 11 through July 27.
Headquarters (Salisbury), Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m.
East (Rockwell), Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.
South (China Grove), Mondays, 10:30 a.m.
School Age (rising first-through fifth-graders)
The school-aged children’s programs feature professional performers and are designed for Kindergarteners through rising fifth graders, though all ages are welcome. To enter the weekly prize drawing, submit completed “Reader Book Reviews” before the program begins. A responsible caretaker (age 16+) must accompany children 8 and under. Programs last approximately one hour.
Headquarters (Salisbury), Thursdays, 2 p.m.
*July 4 performance moved to Friday, July 5
*July 18 performance moved to Friday, July 19
East (Rockwell), Wednesdays, 2 p.m.
South (China Grove), Tuesdays, 2 p.m.
Cleveland Town Hall (Cleveland), Thursdays, 10 a.m.
*July 18 performance moved to Friday, July 19
June 11-13, Rowan Salisbury School’s Horizons Unlimited will lead hands-on science experiments.
June 18-20, Didgeridoo Down Under’s high-energy, Australia-themed show combines music, culture, puppetry, storytelling and more. This show includes space posters, intergalactic storytelling, and other “celestial” surprises.
June 25-27, The Piedmont Players once again bring the theatre to the library.
July 2-5, Ro & Mo Stories, featuring Mr. Robert and Mary Ann, return to perform live-action stories.
July 9-11, the Science Tellers combine exciting experiments and dynamic
July 16-19, Alina Celeste, a family musician and teaching artist, leads a musical program.
July 23-25, Lee Street theatre returns with inventive and exciting storytelling.
Cleveland Town Hall, located at 302 E. Main St. in Cleveland, will again host programs for the entire family. Patrons attending the Cleveland site events can record their reading points then, too. For details, contact the Children’s Department at RPL Headquarters at 704-216-8234.
RPL also offers special Summer Reading programs for camps and daycares, though by reservation only. Call 704-216-8258 for more information.
Summer Reading for Teens is coordinated by Hope Loman (Headquarters), Bethany Hollifield (East Branch), and Stephanie Reister (South Rowan Regional) and is designed for rising sixth- through 12th-graders. Beginning June 10, each branch will have weekly teen programs inspired by the theme “Universe of Stories.” Programs run approximately 90 minutes.
Headquarters (Salisbury), Tuesdays, 3:30 p.m.
East (Rockwell), Thursdays, 3:30 p.m.
*July 4 program moved to Wednesday, July 3
South Rowan Regional (China Grove), Mondays, 3:30 p.m.
June 10-13, South and East teens will make light sabers and droid mason jars at “Space Crafts.” The Headquarters program, open to all teens, is “Meet the Video Game Designer.” Typhoon Studios’ lead character artist, Ed Hardison, will Skype live, answering questions about new sci-fi adventure game “Journey to the Savage Planet.”
June 17-20, Teens can learn how to apply sci-fi/monster costume make-up and become out of this world at this “Face off!” program.
June 24-27, Create your own space-themed cupcakes, and make the universe as delicious as you want in these “Sweets Wars.”
July 1-3, Enjoy a “Space Jam” and listen to live music.
July 8-11, Kelli Isenhour, education coordinator for the Rowan County Soil and Water Conservation District presents “Water – It’s not just on Earth!” In this hands-on camp, dive into the water of outer space and learn about the importance of conserving water on earth.
July 15-18, Learn how to dance the famous Moonwalk.
July 22-25, Complete challenges at “NASA Boot Camp” and be a top astronaut.
July 26, The National Teen Lock-in, held from 6 to 10 p.m. at RPL Headquarters, doubles as the Teen Summer Reading Finale. Teens will play games, enjoy snacks and participate in streamed author chats. Door prizes will also be awarded. A permission slip signed by a parent or guardian and registration for one author chat is required to participate. Teens will also redeem their raffle tickets for tiered prizes at this event.
Teens earn raffle tickets by converting points earned from reading books and attending programs. Teens register and track their participation online with READsquared or via a hard-copy booklet and earn points by reading books and attending programs.
Summer Reading for Adults is coordinated by Abigail Hardison and Gretchen Witt (both at Headquarters) and is designed for all adults ages 18 and up, including 2019 high school graduates).
Adults track their reading and program participation online with READsquared. The number of hours earned determines eligibility for prize drawings. Door prizes are awarded at each program, with grand prizes awarded at the finale on Aug. 13.
“Get Lit(erature)! Trivia & Social Hour”
Each night features trivia and discussion about a pre-selected genre. Door prizes will be awarded.
June 6, 7:30 p.m. – Meet at City Tavern, located at 113 E. Fisher St. in Salisbury; the theme is “Dystopias.”
July 11, 7:30 p.m. – Meet at Morgan Ridge Railwalk Brewery, located at 421 N. Lee St. in Salisbury; the theme is “Strange Encounters.”
Aug. 1, 7:30 p.m. – Meet at New Sarum Brewing Taproom, located at 109 N. Lee St. in Salisbury; the theme is “Out of this World.”
Meet the Video Game Designer
June 11, 4 p.m. – Typhoon Studios’ lead character artist, Ed Hardison, will be live on Skype to answer questions and talk about the sci-fi adventure game “Journey to the Savage Planet,” which will be released later this year.
RPL Book Talk
July 15, 6:30 p.m. – Charlotte-based author Mark de Castrique, author of the Sam Blackman series, will headline this program at RPL Headquarters. South Main Book Co. will sell a selection of de Castrique’s books on site; cash or charge only.
Star Wars Spelling Bee
On Monday, Aug. 5, at 6:30 p.m., test your spelling skills at RPL Headquarters. Costumes and cosplay encouraged. Though this is the Adult Summer Reading Finale, all ages are welcome. Adult Summer Reading grand prizes will be awarded.
The Summer Reading Film Series includes “Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse” (2018, PG); “Mary Poppins Returns” (2018, PG); “The Incredibles 2” (2018, PG); “Infinity War” (2018, PG); “A Wrinkle in Time” (2018, PG); “How to Train Your Dragon 3” (2019, PG).
As with any library program, a responsible caretaker (age 16+) must accompany children 8 and under. For specific showtimes, dates, and locations, visit or contact your nearest library branch.