Doug Creamer: Rest and family

Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 27, 2019

            Like most, our family usually gathers for holidays. There is always more food than an army could eat. There is plenty of laughter. There is a time to catch up with each other. There will be some teasing filled with love. There is always going to be some type of game going on, shooting pool, playing basketball, a friendly card game, or a sporting event on TV.

            As I drove home with my stomach full of good food and my heart warmed from being with my family, I was thankful. Here we are another year gone by and for the most part, we are healthy. There are a few aches and pains, and we do recognize that our bodies are not as young as they once were. I am always grateful to see my parents and my brother’s in-laws, the patriarchs of that gathering, looking good. The four of them are active and engaged with life.

            The focus of the Easter gathering for many years was a huge Easter egg hunt. My sibling’s children have all grown up and are beyond such magical fun. Some of the kids are raising their own families now and I hope they pass on these fun traditions. They all remember the food and fun at the family gatherings.

            One of the other things I enjoy is the Easter break from school. I am glad to have some time to rest. I have gotten some extra sleep, but we have been busy trying to get some things done. I have my nephew’s power washer and plan to get some work done with that. I also hear the garden calling and hope to get the soil tilled and maybe plant something. I have way more on my list to do than is possible to get done.

            All that work calls into question the idea of getting some rest. We will more than likely watch a few movies and eat some good food, which will help to renew my soul. Spending some time with my family and working out in my yard are two of the best ways to refresh my spirit. Nothing feels better than seeing my hard work result in making things look better.

            The idea of rest for our soul and spirit is so important. We need to be refreshed and renewed in our spirit if we hope to have a positive impact on the world around us. We can’t keep pouring ourselves out for others without finding the place where we can refuel our spirits.

            Some may argue that it isn’t necessary. But Jesus had to find places where he could refresh and connect with His Father in heaven. The scripture tells us that Jesus found secluded places, spent a whole night in prayer, withdrew from the crowds to be alone with His disciples, climbed a mountain where He was transfigured, and think about the three hours of prayer before His trial and crucifixion.

            If the Son of God needed time alone with His Father to complete His tasks, then it stands to reason that we need to be renewed and refreshed in our spirits to complete our tasks. We need to get alone with God and spend time with Him. I firmly believe it is important to spend time reading God’s word. He speaks to us through His word. It’s important that we worship Him with praise and thanksgiving. It’s critical that we communicate our needs to God, both ours and those on our prayer lists.

            I feel like God is saying is that we need to spend time listening. I believe God speaks to us if we quiet ourselves in His presence. It won’t be a burning bush or His thunderous voice from heaven. It will be that peaceful, quiet voice that ministers to our spirits in ways nothing else ever could. He wants to speak life and hope to our weariness. He wants to give us strength so we can mount up on wings as eagles. He wants us to discover the streams of living water flowing from our soul. He can only do that when we are alone with Him.

            I want to encourage you to find some time to get alone with God. Turn off your electronic devices and just be alone with Him. There is life and strength in His presence. There is renewed purpose and vision. There is hope and grace. There is a peace that goes beyond all understanding. There is abundant love and complete acceptance of you as a child of God. You can discover this for yourself if you will spend some quiet time with Him.

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