Lynna Clark: The man by the window

Published 12:00 am Saturday, March 30, 2019

Lynna Clark

I heard a story years ago about two old men who shared a room in a convalescent home. One was confined to a bed by the window; the other to a bed by the door. Since neither of them was mobile, the man by the window would look out each day and describe what he saw below. He spoke of the beautiful park with children playing, couples walking hand in hand and other happy scenes unfolding. As seasons changed he took great effort to describe the lovely scenery. It seemed each day there was something new to share with his roommate.

At first the man by the door was delighted with the imagery. He looked forward to hearing if the young couple had returned with a baby stroller; what the weather was; or if the pear tree had blossomed yet.

As the months passed, something changed within his soul. A small root of bitterness developed. When his companion shared his observations of life outside, the man by the door enjoyed it less and less. Over the course of time he became jealous and longed to see for himself. Often he wished for the place beside the window.

One night he heard his roommate coughing. The man began to choke but could not call for help. Realizing his opportunity, the man by the door ignored him allowing him to die. After an appropriate amount of time he asked to be moved by the window. He waited with delight as the nurse opened the heavy drapes.

The window faced a blank brick wall.


I don’t know who wrote the story. I’ve had it tucked away for years. But I wanted to share it with you and add a prayer.

Lord, strengthen us against bitterness and jealousy. Help us find joy and bring pleasant moments to those around us, no matter how hard life gets. Strengthen me personally to be more like the man by the window.

“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord my strength and my Redeemer.” –Psalm 19:14


Lynna Clark lives in Salisbury. Read more at LynnasWonderful

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