Letter: Pitts right about wake-up call for US

Published 12:00 am Thursday, March 28, 2019

In response to Leonard Pitts’ column published March 21, (“Admissions scandal should be wake-up call”), I am outraged often when I see the many instances when the very wealthy buy their way into justice, college admission and more. Corporations get by, making millions without paying taxes or their workers adequately. CEOs rake in excessive money while workers are put out of work with little or nothing. Athletes and others are paid far too much. Mega churches rake in millions and pay no taxes while failing to provide charitable care. Tax scams give the wealthiest even more wealth.

I am more outraged when I know how poor people have become poorer. The workers who provide all of the work to earn those corporations big money are being left behind with too-low wages, children who are hungry and in poverty, people having to choose between medicine and heat or food and people  dying for lack of health care while the military receives too much money and loses millions without a blink of the eye.   

Unfortunately, parents buying the way for their children into influential colleges is only another symptom of capitalism gone far awry.

Yes, the USA needs a wake up call every day, maybe more than once, if humanity is to survive.

— Pat Bullard

China Grove