Doug Creamer: Entertainment

Published 12:00 am Saturday, January 26, 2019

Doug Creamer

            So, what kind of movies do you like to watch? Do you want to laugh? Do you prefer romantic comedies? Are you into documentaries? Do you like Hollywood versions of true stories? What is it about a movie that will draw you into wanting to watch it?

            I just basically enjoy watching a good story. I enjoy inspiring movies, ones where people overcome incredible odds. I like when the human spirit triumphs. I am also a guy who likes Bond and Jason Bourne movies. I do not like horror, or movies that will haunt me long after the movie ends.

            I think about movies for days after I watch them. I think about the characters, what they did, what they said, and about their behavior. Some stories stick with me longer than others. Some I forget that I even watched.

            There are other movies that I have seen over and over again. I don’t mean just the Christmas ones that you have to watch each year, no matter what. I hate to admit this in writing, but there are several romantic comedies that I have watched numerous times. If I am flipping through the channels and see one, I might just stop and watch until the end. There are certain actors or actresses that we all love to watch. Others are dependent on when you grew up. We all love certain stars from our era.

            When school lets out for the summer or we get a good snowstorm, I will pop a movie in and sit back and enjoy. The first few days of summer I am looking for some oldie goldies, something that will require no brain power and are pure entertainment. Snowstorms are good for Bond movies or some type of mystery, or even an old western. Just so long as the good guy wins, justice triumphs, and you feel good when it is over.

            Today’s kids don’t understand the DVD collections that some of us older adults have worked hard to create. And God forbid you have some VHS in your collections. Today’s kids don’t even know what VHS means, they stream everything. We are starting to stream too, and have even begun to collect digital movies.

            I was thinking and wondering what the people in Jesus’ day did for fun. There may have been plays, gladiators, and athletic competitions. I imagine the simplest and best form of entertainment in His day would have been the storytellers. Can you imagine sitting around a table after a nice meal and Uncle Bob shares a story? If he was good, he could keep you on the edge of your seat until the end. I bet it wasn’t just the men, the women could spin a good yarn too, a tale of romance and intrigue.

            Some of the stories would have been ones that were passed down from generation to generation. Someone in the family would have been the keeper of the family history. Many of the stories told to little children would have ended with a moral, a lesson to teach and instruct the children on how to live life. The stories would have been engaging and easy to remember.

            When you stop and think about it, that’s exactly what Jesus did. The Bible only offers a few glimpses into Jesus’ life. The glimpses we catch are of Him telling stories, parables to teach and instruct us in how to live. His parables are easy to remember. Think about the parable of the lost coin or of the prodigal son; if you heard it once, you can probably remember it. Jesus used stories to get his message of love and grace across to us.

            I can easily imagine Jesus sitting around a campfire late at night, sharing stories that really stuck with people for days. I imagine Him at weddings, funerals, and parties, gathering a few folks around and telling stories. His stories would have been engaging and memorable. They would have good endings where the right and just prevailed. They would have been filled with forgiveness and mercy. They would have taught people about choices and how to make them.

            I  encourage you to think about your own stories, your testimonies about how God intervened in your life and made a difference. You have personal experiences with God that could help give hope and faith to those who are facing similar circumstances. Your story could make all the difference in the world. A good story, like a good movie, can have a powerful and profound impact on others.

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