Letter: Don’t shut down schools

Published 5:32 am Tuesday, December 11, 2018

My name is Taylor Smith and I am a senior social work major at Appalachian State University. I was a student of Rowan-Salisbury Schools for over a decade of my life, and I attended four schools in three districts in the county. I ended up at West Rowan and graduated with honors, pleased with my education, and ready for the next step.

My education began at North Rowan Elementary. As a very young child, I did not realize the advantages and privilege I had as one of two white females in my classes. I did not realize the subconscious bias all my white, female teachers might have had towards me. I did not realize that I was treated differently than my peers.

I did realize these things, finally, while other students in the class acted out or struggled and I was succeeding in my learning, with most of the teachers’ attention centered on those who looked like me. Why?

We do not need to shut down the “bad” schools. These schools that are “poor” or “under-performing” need something more. We need competent, conscientious teachers to work with these kids and prove to the county that North Rowan is not disposable. These communities are not disposable. These children are not movable. They need to stay in their communities, but these communities need love.

Encourage your neighbors to spread compassion and advocate for what means most to you.

—Taylor Smith
