Ann Farabee: Puzzled?

Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 24, 2018




Ahh…. such a formidable task. Well, not really, but I always enjoy using that word. Formidable means inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, or intense.
So, my family of four stared at the ‘formidable task’ before us. How could we make this happen? It would take all of us – not just one of us. But, the puzzle had to be completed! 1000 pieces. Ready? Set? Go…
Like any puzzlers, we first had to locate the perfect workspace. It had to be just right. The dining room table would suffice, as long as no one wanted to eat there.
The box was opened, the contents were dumped, and the pieces were turned right side up. You can’t be successful with everything turned upside down.
The border was formed to give a framework, help us stay on track, and provide necessary support.
The pieces were divided into groups — words, objects, colors, patterns. Sometimes, it seemed like work. Sometimes, it seemed like fun. Sometimes, we were ineffective and sometimes we were very effective.
Sometimes, we would spend a LONG time looking for one piece of the puzzle. Was it missing? There was no way we would give up on it. The puzzle would be incomplete with a piece missing. Our search would continue — until we found it.
We were never jealous when someone found a piece we had been looking for — but instead we were excited about it. We were a team.
Occasionally, one of us would get frustrated or busy — and walk away. The others would keep on working. We would always end up coming back, because we missed it.
Those groups of puzzle pieces that at first seemed large — and impossible — blended into manageable tasks, and the inner parts of the puzzle began to grow in size and extend outward to join with other parts of the puzzle. Connections were made that lead to other connections. It was beautiful to see.
Finally, we would start seeing the big picture evolve… and feel that victory was in sight. It was all because we had studied the picture on top of the box — and following it was where we found our answers.
Colossians 2:10 says we are complete in Him! Psalm 139:14 says we are wonderfully made. Luke 15:4 says if there are 100 sheep and one is missing, Jesus will leave the 99 and come looking for the one — or in this case, leave the 999 and come looking for the one.
God sees the big picture. The Bible is our top of the box. It gives us a picture that helps us to make sense of it all — and let the pieces of our lives come together to serve His purpose.
There sure is peace in the puzzle, isn’t there?

Ann is a speaker and teacher. Contact her at or

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