Doug Creamer: Creativity

Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 3, 2018

Doug Creamer

            We went to Asheville a few weeks ago for the Southern Highland Craft Guild Show. We look forward to our annual trek to the mountains. We hope to see some fall colors, which didn’t happen this year. There was very little color showing. I wasn’t really expecting much after the two hurricanes, but I am always hopeful. I enjoyed the beautiful mountains anyway, and we had a good day to drive up.

            The show was filled with beautiful things, as always. My wife’s favorite booth is a jewelry artisan. This lady creates breathtaking jewelry. While my wife looks through her beautiful creations, I enjoy talking with her about her craft and about being an entrepreneur. We have a good time talking while my wife looks for a special treasure.

            If you had asked me what pottery was thirty years ago, I would have described orange clay pots for flowers. I had no idea how attracted I would become to collecting pottery. I have several artists that I follow, mainly because of the colors they use in their creations. My favorite potter no longer displays at this show. I miss seeing her and her pottery very much.

            I started out collecting oil lamps. I have numerous styles, shapes, and colors of oil burning clay pottery. I am not sure when it happened, but I stopped collecting lamps and moved on to collecting large mugs. It was my favorite potter that caused me to change when she helped me pick out my first mug. I now have quite a few mugs from various potters in a variety of colors and shapes.

            I walked almost the entire show this year without one mug really grabbing my attention. I saw many of the potters whose mugs grace my shelves, but nothing was calling to me. On the next to last row a unique creation got my attention. There was nothing else like this unique design. Much to my surprise, I realized that I had another mug by this artist. The other mug is also very unique in style and color. I was sold. It is now sitting here as I type, allowing me to take in its beauty.

           We enjoy a nice leisurely walk through the show each year. Being in that creative environment stirs the creativity in me. We make a day of our trip up to Asheville. After the show we make our way home, stopping off for dinner. It is a full, long, but very relaxing day.

            God’s creative power is all around us every day. Sometimes it’s in an artist’s creations, and other times it’s in nature itself.  Have you ever enjoyed a beautiful sunrise or sunset? Every morning and evening God takes His paintbrush and He creates beauty beyond words. Sometimes we are so busy in our daily lives that we miss His awesome handiwork.

            The other day I went to show my pastor a picture on my phone and he commented that I have a lot of pictures of flowers on my phone. I do. We have quite a collection of daylilies. Imagine that, God creates this stunning flower and it only blooms for one day. When we are away at the beach we miss some of the blossoms. There are so many beautiful and different daylilies out there, waiting to be enjoyed.

            God expresses Himself in so many creative and beautiful ways and it is so easy to miss it. The sound of rolling thunder, crickets chirping, waves crashing into the sandy beach, or birds singing in the yard. The beauty found outside your window after a fresh snowfall. What about the beauty of the garden, which is making delectable tomatoes and corn for our enjoyment? Can you see the awesomeness of God’s creativity in your loving pet’s eyes?

            God is creative and the gift of creativity comes from Him. Whether it is in pottery, jewelry, woodturning, sewing, writing, or other things created by craftsmen, or in the wonder and beauty of nature…God is at work around us and through us.

            I want to encourage you to slow down and take notice of the beauty that surrounds you. I believe God gives us the gift of creativity because it is part of His nature. When we notice and appreciate the beauty of someone’s craftsmanship, we see the finger of God. When our eyes and thoughts drift off as we sit near a mountain stream or next to the roaring ocean, we can begin to feel and sense the very essence of our Creator. Don’t miss God; He is waiting to be discovered by you.

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