Rowan County United Way hits 57 percent of campaign goal, will extend fundraising deadline

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 25, 2018

SALISBURY — Rowan County United Way had is biweekly campaign report meeting Wednesday to announce it reached 57 percent of its $1.6 million goal on Sunday.

John Struzick, the campaign chairman, reminded volunteers that the campaign has been extended through Nov. 28 to provide extra time and resources after the two hurricanes that swept through North Carolina.

“We’ve all got a stake in what befalls our fellow man,” Struzick said. “We all benefit when a child succeeds in school or when someone finds a job that would help them provide for their families or when more people don’t have to worry about the basic needs of food, shelter and clothing.”

Several representatives of Rowan County United Way agencies spoke about how the organizations have helped them in their lives. Felicia Gaither, who came to Rowan Crisis Council for help, is now a part-time advocate.

“Now I’m a survivor when I felt like a victim,” Gaither said. “With the help of the advocates and God, I was able to become that survivor. It feels good to be a survivor. It feels good to be able to give back what was given to me.”

Roxy Davis told the audience about The Arc of Rowan’s summer program that her son, Dylan, has attended for nine years.

“He does have seizures, and I do not doubt they can take care of him,” Davis said. “He’s had horrible seizures. They have maintained everything with him. They have done an amazing job with him. … It is like another family, and he feels the same way.”

Struzick said the stories remind donors why they are giving.

“You guys, particularly the agencies, are out there every day,” Struzick said. “You’re on the line every day working with people, changing people’s lives. In a small way, we’re able to help you do that because we provide you with some of the resources that you have to have.”

With $911,476.61 raised and more than a month left in the campaign, Struzick asked volunteers to redouble their efforts with the additional two weeks. Ted Goins, who reported on money raised in the professionals category, stressed talking to neighbors, especially professionals, about donating.

“You see these folks every day, and they’re kind of like herding cats because they’re scattered all over the county,” Goins said. “It’s our attorneys and our doctors and our CPAs, and a lot of those are single-practice folks and you see them every day. So when you’re in their offices and doing business with them, please ask them if they give to United Way and tell them why you give to United Way.”

For more information about Rowan County United Way or to donate, visit