Letter: Help Humpty Dumpty

Published 12:34 am Thursday, October 25, 2018

The man with the blue suit and blonde hair told us that he planned to put Humpty Dumpty back together again, or was that Make America Great Again? Yes, that is it.

We elected him to do just that. We dislike some of his words and shenanigans, but we knew that unlike many typical folks we send to Washington who are play-around politicians, this new “blonde bomber” is a businessman who knows how to manage business. Most politicians can hardly spell “business.” And they are afraid of him. He is a maverick and they do not know how to control him because he will not “control.” So, today we see cliques formed by the “loyal opposition” to slow down our president’s initiatives because they are novel, not presented by a politician.

In spite of cliques’ slow-downs in Congress, the president has made some great strides in moving America forward.

He cut taxes, which in turn gave a great boost to the economy. This breathed a great dose of morale into business leaders. Worker wages have significantly increased. Unemployment numbers are the lowest since 1969. That is lowest in almost 50 years. Everybody is winning.

His initiatives are bringing manufacturing back to American workers. In spite of the recent hiccup, the stock market continues to rise to its highest rate; this in turn has encouraged business to invest further in the economy.

And our military is quietly and expertly defeating ISIS and other terrorist groups.

The president needs courageous women and men to return to Congress to help grease the tracks to pass bills that support Making America Great Again or, as I say, allow “all the king’s horses and all the king’s men” to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

— Tyrus R. Cobb, Jr.
