Local arts & entertainment news Oct. 4-10
Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 4, 2018
- More than 5000 hand carved pumpkins in The Glow
Author book signing during Busker’s Bash
6-8 p.m. Oct. 5
With Kate Forrest: The Crusader’s Heart
Vincent Vezza: The Hidden Treasure at Dutch Buffalo Creek
Tyler Auffhammer: 50’s Western Roundup; The Adventures of Harvey Strong
Frank Morelli: No Sad Songs
Marcia Phillips: Davie County Mavericks
South Main Book Co., 110 S. Main St, 704-630-9788, southmainbookcompany.com
Open House at Fine Frame Gallery
3-6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 6
Open House event celebrating 40 years in the picture framing business at Fine Frame Gallery, 105 S. Main St.
Come by and enjoy magic by Glen Yost and light refreshments. Featured fine artists for the occasion will be Phyllis Steimel, Cara Reische, Robert Toth and Mark Brincefield. 704-647-0340, 105 S. Main St. Closed Mondays. www.fineframegallery.com
AAUW lecture series hosts Amanda Cody
6:30-7:30 p.m. Oct. 11
Amanda Cody, VP of Information Security for National Geographic Partners, on “Women in Technology Security.” Ms. Cody lso lead information security operations for American Red Cross. Free. Sponsored by American Association of University Women, Dr. Carol Cody, president. First UCC fellowship hall, 207 W. Horah St, entrance at rear of church. http://salisbury-nc.aauw.net
Catawba Choirs present ‘Words of Wisdom’
4 p.m.Sunday, Oct 7
The Catawba College Choirs will present their first concert of the 2018-2019 academic year on Sunday in the college’s Omwake-Dearborn Chapel. The hour long concert “Words of Wisdom” will feature choral music with poignant and thoughtful lyrics.
Works on the program include Every Time I Feel the Spirit, Wanting Memories, True Light and Wisdom of the Moon. Styles range from classical to rock, spirituals, southern gospel and even disco.
The Catawba Singers, Chamber Choir and PopAC are all under the direction of Dr. Phillip E. Burgess, associate chair of the music department at Catawba, and director of choral/vocal studies.
The program will feature student soloists, instrumentalists, and student conductor Katie Zobel. The choirs are accompanied by Jacob Hahn, Susan Trivette, and sophomore Savannah Nunn.
The concert is free and open to the public.
PCS’s 9th annual Old Fashioned Hymn Sing
3 p.m. Sunday, Oct 7
CONCORD — The popular annual concert features older, traditional beloved hymns, anthems and favorites chosen by the audience.
It is performed by the 50-voice Piedmont Choral Society. Joseph Judge, associate professor of choral music at Pfeiffer University is director; Dr. Don Simmons, organist music director at Kimball Lutheran, will accompany.
Sttendees are invited to bring canned goods for CCM.
HEld at Forest Hill UMC, 265 Union St. North.
Learn more at kayy2000@gmail.com, 704-699-6053, Facebook or www.piedmontchoralsociety.org
The Glow: A Jack O’Lantern Experience
Oct. 4-28 from 7:30-10 p.m.
CONCORD — Bring the family to see more than 5,000 hand-carved pumpkins illuminated along Jack’s Lane at Charlotte Motor Speedway this October.
Intricately carved pumpkins include historical figures, seasonal landscapes, larger than life structures and many more. There will also be fall refreshments, a pumpkin patch and a live carving demonstration.
Tickets must be purchased in advance at https://www.tixr.com/groups/glowcharlotte .
Open Thursdays – Sundays Oct. 4-28 from 7:30-10 p.m. at Charlotte Motor Speedway at Rock City Campground, 7301 Burton Smith Blvd.
Children 2 and under are free, $16.99 for kids 3 and older and $22.99 for adults
Additionally, THE GLOW will be hosting an Autism Night on Oct. 7 from 7-7:30 p.m. During this time, the sun has gone down slightly, the crowds are a little smaller, the music is a little lower and the atmosphere a little brighter. Tickets are $14.99 for adults and $10.99 for children and need to be bought in advance at Charlotte@theglowjackolantern.com
Final viewing of MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival
Oct. 6 at 2 p.m.
The final viewing at Rowan Public Library of the the 21st annual MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival is Oct. 6 at 2 p.m.
This year, the Film Festival features nine short films, with an overall approximate runtime of 128 minutes.
Locations worldwide simultaneously participate over the course of a week. After the last film shows, audience members will vote for Best Film and Best Actor. RPL will send those directly to MANHATTAN SHORT headquarters. Every audience member’s vote counts. On Monday, Oct. 8, at 10 a.m., winners will be announced via ManhattanShort.com.
For more information contact Gretchen at Gretchen.Witt@rowancountync.gov or 704-216-8232 or visit www.RowanPublicLibrary.org
Informational Yoga and Cancer Workshop
Learn how practicing yoga can benefit people who have been diagnosed with cancer at an informational workshop Saturday, Oct. 13, 2-3:30 p.m. at SoFul Yoga & Wellness, South Fulton St. • The ‘October in Pink’ workshop, offered as part of breast cancer awareness month, will also include a brief sequence of gentle seated movements, breathing and relaxation, all led by Christine Zimmer, a certified Yoga 4 Cancer instructor as well as cancer survivor • Cost is $25. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to benefit local cancer patients. • Register at https://www.sofulyoga.com/events-workshops
Children’s yoga classes
Second and fourth Saturdays beginning Oct 13: • 10 am: Yoga for Preschoolers, parent-child class for ages 2-5. • 11 am: Yoga for Kids: for ages 6-12 • both classes taught by Cara Effinger, certified preschool, kids and special needs yoga instructor. Held at SoFul Yoga & Wellness, 1024 South Fulton St. Info at https://www.sofulyoga.com/events-workshops
PPT offers fall classes
8 weeks of instruction includes showcase performance open to the public. Classes begin week of Oct. 22
• Page to Stage: 4-5:30 pm Monday, Wednesday; Grades 4-6: Learn how to bring a show together from audition process to performance.
• Improv/Scene Study: 4-5:30 pm Tuesday, Thursday; Grades 7 and up: Story-telling, creating characters. Improvisation, problem solving, teamwork, listening skills.
Tuition $325 each session. Norvell Theater, 135 E. Fisher St. RSVP to 704-633-5471 or MD@PiedmontPlayers.com
In conjunction with OctoberTour
Festival at Spencer Library Park: OctoberTour Bistro and Brews — 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Oct. 13-14: Free, open to the public, at Spencer’s Library Park. Food and drink for purchase, local arts & crafts, music, antique fire truck rides. 704-636-0103 www.OctoberTour.com
Grant deadline
The Rowan Arts Council announces Thursday, Nov. 1 as the deadline for the 2018 fall cycle for Arts & Cultural Development (ACD) grant applications. The ACD grants are designed to support the vision and mission of the Rowan Arts Council by providing direct support to arts and cultural partners. There are two grant cycles each year with the spring grant cycle applications due April 1, and the fall cycle grant applications due Nov.1.
Find forms and guidelines at http://www.visitsalisburync.com/rowanartscouncil/grants/arts-cultural-grant/
The Rowan Arts Council is available to assist interested applicants in preparing competitive grants.