Doug Creamer: God really does care

Published 12:00 am Saturday, September 29, 2018

Doug Creamer

            The calendar announced the arrival of fall last week, and right on schedule, my allergies kicked in. It seems like I have trouble with my sinuses every fall and spring. When the allergies hit I can be laid up in bed for several days feeling wiped out. My body gears up for a war against the air that I am breathing and I am sending it medicine to say, “Peace, be still.”

            I know I am not alone in suffering from seasonal allergies. The sniffing, sneezing, watering eyes, and runny noses are all so common at school. I don’t remember suffering like this as a kid, but it is a regular occurrence in my adult life. The more I talk with people the more I realize that many of us struggle with these same symptoms. A doctor visit last spring gave me a concoction of medicines to fight back; and so far I am on my feet. I am tired, but I am able to function. We’ll see how this round goes.

            While my battle with seasonal allergies feels overwhelming at times, I realize that many others are dealing with issues far greater than wacky sinuses. I have four friends who are out of work and pounding the pavement. I have several friends who are recovering from major surgery. They are coming along, but their daily battles go far beyond a runny nose. I have a couple of friends dealing with unknown illnesses. Doctors can’t seem to figure out what is wrong, so how do you begin fighting to get better?

            These seem minor when I think about people who are fighting for their lives in a battle with cancer. I recently talked to another friend whose child is fighting every day to stay clean from substance abuse. I found a picture of a childhood friend on Facebook who has spent a lifetime addicted to drugs, holding a sign up that he was now clean. Those demons are hard to overcome and their families often suffer in private pain.

            I know older people who are dealing with the private battles of staying healthy. My great-aunt used to tell me that old age doesn’t come alone. I’ve heard many old timers tell me that old age is not for wimps. Old age brings so many complications with physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. I have a number of friends who are caregivers for those suffering with worn-out bodies. These caregivers are in much need of a touch from God, as well as words of love and support from family and friends.

            When I sit back and consider the huge battles that some people are fighting it makes me feel bad for even mentioning my wacky sinuses. In fact, I have honestly felt like my health issues were so insignificant that I didn’t feel right asking God for help. How can you compare my sinuses to someone in stage four cancer? How can I ask God for help when people down east have lost their homes and businesses to the flooding from Hurricane Florence?

            This is when we all need to stop. I mean it, STOP! We serve a great big God. We serve a God who made the galaxies and knows how many hairs are on top of each of our heads. He knows every intimate detail about our lives and He cares deeply about each of our individual situations. He’s not too busy helping the people suffering from the hurricane to care about your burdens. He not only sees the tears you shed in the middle of the night, but He collects them as He sits with you.

            We need to change our thinking. God really does care about all that we are going through. He cares about you. He sees you. He will carry you when life feels overwhelming. He’s not a distant God. He’s personal and wants to be intimately close with you. The problem is we doubt that and push Him away. God is with the people who are suffering worse than you, BUT He is also with you.

            I want to encourage you to see God as way bigger and way better than you image right now. God is good in spite of your circumstances. God is with you and He won’t forsake you. You can choose to walk away, but that would be the most unwise thing you ever do. If you have been far from Him for whatever reason, turn around and come home…He’s waiting for you. God loves you. God is with and for you. And I promise God will help you.

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