Florence’s silver lining
Published 9:27 pm Monday, September 17, 2018
This StarNews of Wilmington published this editorial before Hurricane Florence hit:
Can a Category 4 hurricane help downgrade our Category 5 political and cultural divisions? At least for a while?
Last Tuesday, the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, we were reminded of the horror our nation experienced and felt. But we also remembered the period of unity that followed, as Americans everywhere tried to find a way to help.
We still recall members of Congress standing side-by-side on the Capitol steps, joining together to sing “God Bless America.” Our national leaders were truly united. Today, we’re afraid, they’d stand in separate groups — Congressional Progressive Caucus here, New Democrat Coalition there. Republican Main Street Partnership on this side, House Freedom Caucus on that side.
We are not comparing Hurricane Florence to 9/11 — and pray we never need to — but as this monster storm bears down on the Carolinas, it would be nice if elected leaders at all levels would try to put the political fighting and one-upmanship aside and embrace the post-9/11 unity. In fact, we all should.
To a certain extent, we will be united by necessity. Although we wish it were happening for a different reason, it’s been refreshing to see the political shoutfests on social media sites ebb, replaced with the flow of messages of concern, offers of help, and friends, neighbors … providing tips and important information.
When a volunteer firefighter is rescuing someone from a flooded house, there’s going to be no talk from either side about who they plan to vote for this fall or whether or not they support President Trump.
In fact, we’ve found that the political and cultural animus that dominates the national and state discourse is quite diminished at the local level. When we have to live with each other, we tend to figure out how to get along. Far-flung tweeters likely will never meet in person or work together on a common goal, like, say, helping get a generator started or getting a fallen tree out of the road. At the end of the day, that’s the stuff that really matters — not where we stand on a Nike ad.
Interacting face-to-face with someone — even a person with whom we have major disagreements — goes a long way toward restoring the civility and empathy we so quickly discard on social media — and, yes, in The Buzz and Letters to the Editor.
Assuming Florence causes as much devastation in our region as is being predicted, we all have a rough few weeks ahead of us. Some communities will have a rough year ahead. In addition to the practical work that will need to be done, we know from experience that a disaster and long recovery take a toll on our psyches. So this would be an ideal time for all of us — but especially our leaders — to embrace that post-9/11 unity and goodwill.
Frankly, we wouldn’t expect it to last very long. But even a brief ceasefire in the political and cultural wars would be a welcome — and needed — balm at a time of extraordinary stress. And who knows? It might even catch on.
If there is a silver lining in this dark storm cloud, let it be that our response to Florence brings out so much good work, so much goodwill, and so much unity among our leaders and each other, that we refuse to let the divisions return.