Education shoutouts

Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 30, 2018

Scholarships awarded

The 2018 recipients of the Ebenezer Lutheran Church Endowment Scholarship include the following members: Destinee Beavers, Cabarrus College of Health Science; Jessica Cash, UNC Charlotte; Walden Cash, UNC Charlotte; Carolyn Dry, UNC Wilmington; Tyler Peacock, UNC Chapel Hill and Christian Rape, Catawba College.

Non-member recipients include: Austin Corriher, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College; Riley Corriher, UNC Charlotte; Jonathan Martin, UNC Pembroke; Matthew Martin, UNC Pembroke and Sarah Safrit, Western Carolina University.

Local Educators attend NCCAT

Rowan-Salisbury Schools teachers Ashley Holshouser and Diane Folk recently attended programs held at the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching, a recognized national leader in professional development programming for our state’s teachers.

Increasing teacher effectiveness is fundamental to improving public education. NCCAT provides teachers with new knowledge, skills, teaching methods, best practices and information to take back to their classrooms. NCCAT conducts a wide variety of high-quality professional development for pre-kindergarten through 12th-grade teachers. For more information about NCCAT visit or call 828-293-5202.