Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Published 12:00 am Sunday, August 5, 2018

Ends and beginnings
As of the first week in September we will be ending the Tuesday Salisbury Women’s Club game begun in the 1960s. It was wildly popular with players coming on Tuesday nights from Winston-Salem, Lexington as well as Salisbury filling as many as 19 tables. Over the years with the aging of players, the night game began to shrink and was down to 3 tables. The time was changed to afternoons and the game grew back to its present 7-8 table level. The Women’s Club has also been in decline. They are now trying to sell the building, making it necessary for us to move. The Women’s Club game will become “Bridge at Rufty” meeting at the Rufty-Holmes Senior Center on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. Our first game there will be Wednesday, Sept. 5. In the meantime we will still be at the Women’s Club all of August on Tuesday at 1 p.m.
Special congratulations to Ron Caudle who made Life Master after diligent efforts. For those of you who are still chasing points, we have several special games scheduled in August and September. We will have Club Championships on Tuesday, Aug. 7 at the Women’s Club and Friday, Aug. 10 at Evergreen.
There are also STaC games scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 21 at the Women’s Club and Friday, Aug. 24 at Evergreen. In September we will have 2 Grand National Teams fund raisers to be held on Wednesday, Sept. 5 at our first “Bridge at Rufty” game, and Friday, Sept. 14 at Evergreen.
Winning the Friday, July 27 Evergreen game were: N/S 1st Pat Featherston and Dick Brisbin, 2nd Judy Hurder and Pat Macon, 3rd Judy and Fred Weber, 4th Becky Creekmore and Patty King;
E/W 1st Margaret and Chuck Rimer, 2nd Patsy Reynolds and Fern Albracht, 3rd Fred Bachl and Wade Lowder, 4th Jean Hill and Marvin Jones and first in C strat Joe O’Brien and Genny Mozolak.
Featured is board #6 from July 27th E/W vulnerable and East dealing

S Q 8
H A J 3
D 8 5
C A K Q 9 7 6

WEST:              EAST:
S K J T 7 6        S A 9 5
H Q 9 4             H T 5
D Q 9 6             D A K 7 2
C 4 3                  C T 8 5 2

S 4 3 2
H K 8 7 6 2
D J T 4 3

Best N/S score made by Toni Iossi and Beth Shafer bidding and making 3CN+1 while best E/W was 3SW* bid and made by Genny Mozolak and Joe O’Brien.
The scores at the July 31 Women’s Club game were especially close. Winning 1st Lawana Ford and BettyBonner Steele, 2nd Judy Hurder and Pat Macon, tied for 3/4 were Anita Graham and Wayne Pegram with Chuck and Margaret Rimer, and 5/6 Fern Albracht and Nancy Stanback with Becky Creekmore and Dick Brisbin.

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