Avita Pharmacy responds to Holiday Caravan statements
Published 9:32 am Wednesday, August 1, 2018
This statement has been posted on the Avita Pharmacy website in response to a posting on the Holiday Caravan website that stated the 2018 Holiday Caravan Parade has been canceled. The organizers stated that a problem with Avita Pharmacy’s float in 2017 and the reaction to that prompted the parade committee to cancel the parade and retire the name Holiday Caravan:
Holiday Caravan Parade in Salisbury, NC
August 1, 2018 | Official Statement
It has come to our attention that Holiday Caravan has announced the cancelation of all future Holiday Caravan Parades. Avita Pharmacy wants to make it clear that our company has never advocated for the cancellation of the Holiday Caravan parade and we were just as surprised as many in the community by this announcement. As we stated in our November 2017 statement, we wished for improved dialogue with the organizers to ensure the parade’s success for all in the future. Unfortunately, that never occurred. While we respect the rights of the Holiday Caravan board to determine what is in its organization’s best interest, we cannot remain silent in response to the reasons cited for its decision and the accompanying accusations leveled against Avita Pharmacy.
The board’s letter makes many defamatory and baseless remarks about Avita Pharmacy, including describing Avita’s float entry as “full of hate”. This could not be further from the truth. Avita’s mission is to bring inclusiveness and acceptance to all populations. We always have and always will be advocates for equity and fair treatment for all people and communities. It is woven into our values as a company. Avita Pharmacy strongly condemns any harassing or threatening remarks made to the Holiday Caravan board or to our own staff, as such actions have no place in this community.
Avita Pharmacy is deeply saddened to see this community become so divided through this situation. We would love to see the Holiday Caravan parade carry on its long tradition of fun and celebration for the families of Salisbury and to do so in a manner that is welcoming and inclusive of all groups who represent the beautiful and diverse community of Salisbury. We empathize also with the citizens of Salisbury in their disappointment over this decision by the Holiday Caravan board members and urge Holiday Caravan to reconsider its decision to cancel this long-held and valuable community tradition.
It is our belief that even in times of conflict, communities can and should work together to find common ground for the betterment of everyone.
Thank you,
Avita Pharmacy