Letter: Why I support Kathy Manning

Published 12:00 am Monday, July 16, 2018

I support Kathy Manning because she will address the challenges facing Salisbury and the 13th District. Kathy is for commonsense gun laws. Kathy is for improving the relevance of education in the global market. Kathy is determined to close the revolving door of recidivism. Kathy will focus on the pandemic of drug addiction with treatment.

First, Kathy will seek solutions for the pervasive violence in Salisbury. She’ll support proven methods of working with youthful offenders before they become victims or perpetrators of homicides. She’ll provide support that immediately addresses precursors of gang entrenchment such as graffiti, hand signs, tattoos and flagging, all indicators of a growing gang culture. The Salisbury community can neither turn a blind eye nor give tacit approval by doing nothing.

Second, Kathy is cognizant of the social cost of mass incarceration, where released felons are met with limited if nonexistent job opportunities. The hurdle of “check the box,” coupled with a lack of education and employable skills. The disintegrated families, unintended consequences of mass incarceration. The availability of handguns used in shootings and homicides. The idea that street credibility based on where you were incarcerated outweighs the value of regaining a good reputation.

Third, Kathy will combat both corrosive community and poisonous political rhetoric and behavior. The belief that “Little Johnny don’t wanna go to school no mo,” to quote a hip-hop lyric, is cool. A disintegrated school, created with laser like precision, comprising a student body of 85 percent free or reduced lunch. The idea that the pandemic of drug use among the disillusioned and discouraged is moral failure.

If you desire commonsense solutions for change, someone who will vote for our best interest and the best interest of our country, join me in voting for Kathy Manning as the 13th U.S. Congressional District representative.

— Michael Stringer
