Mission to help pastors serving in Congo

Published 12:05 am Sunday, June 17, 2018

By Margaret Young

The first time local pastor Jeff Richards visited the Democratic Republic of the Congo, he was shocked by the conditions residents lived in. In the war-torn, impoverished and disease-ridden region, pastors consider themselves fortunate if they have just one meal per day.

Richards, a pastor at Covenant A.R. Presbyterian Church in Statesville, visited the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2006 and 2015.

“There is always fighting going on and it is incredibly poor,” Richards said. “Pastors in this region have been called to preach the gospel but can’t afford an education.”

According to Richards, the closest seminary in the region is in Kenya and pastors cannot afford to travel and pay for the schooling. On his two previous trips, Richards was able to teach pastors and preach in their churches on the weekends.

Reflecting upon his previous trips, Richards described the rewarding and gratifying experience of helping pastors in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Even though they had almost nothing materially, Richards found their spiritual fortitude encouraging.

“It’s a beautiful country and the people are wonderful,” Richards said.

This summer, Richards is going back to the Democratic Republic of the Congo with his own organization, Global Teaching and Preaching, to teach courses to pastors in two five-day institutes. The courses give them access to the proper education they need.

Global Teaching and Preaching, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is a Christ-centered evangelistic ministry that aims to provide theological education, written and internet resources, and preaching and international missions. Richards founded the organization to bring an education to pastors who cannot afford it.

Despite facing such harsh circumstances, pastors in the Democratic Republic of the Congo still desire to live out their calling to preach the Gospel.

“The pastors are very capable, they just don’t have the resources,” Richards said. “We want to equip them.”

Richards is travelling to the Democratic Republic of the Congo for his third visit, this time with his own organization, to help educate an estimated 600 to 800 pastors. He will also be preaching on the weekends to share his faith with others.

“People come to grips with faith issues and who Christ is and it helps their other issues as well,” Richards said.

Global Teaching and Preaching will be teaching the book of Romans, basic theology, evangelism, and preaching.

The trip will take place from June 29 to July 16. Donations can be made at https://www.gofundme.com/g7jaqg-africa-mission-trip-2018.