Talkback: What online readers say about …
Published 4:06 pm Thursday, June 14, 2018
… Forsyth County man challenges Rowan County arrest as First Amendment rights violation
I personally don’t see a crime or even an ordinance broken, so what was the point of having an ID requested? …
However, I’m curious about the fact that he drove from Winston-Salem to Salisbury on a weekday to engage in this type of frivolity. Maybe he doesn’t have meaningful employment, or if he does and was taking a vacation day, then he is one bored dude.
— Rance Lackhart
I’d be curious to know under what N.C. General Statute they stopped him, because I’ve searched the statutes …and have yet to find what could be applied for recording something in plain view in a public area….
— Mitsa Waya
This guy was being a jerk. All he had to do was show identification. And why was he filming at a elementary school? I don’t want somebody just walking up filming little children without consent.
— Janie Kluttz
The officer was taking precaution because of where they were filming. Good for him. It’s pretty simple; show your ID and stay out of jail.
— Ron Scruggs
The man broke no laws. You have zero expectation of privacy in public. If you don’t like it, go home, close your blinds and sit in the corner.
— Anthony Peterson
… All County Tennis: Griffith is coach of the year after top-four finish
Salisbury High is blessed to have Milton as a role model to students. His influence on these kids to grow up into quality adults with a community focus is far more valuable than anything he does with tennis. Congrats, Milton — long overdue honor.
— Diana Storey
Awesome job, Milton Griffin. Mr. Griffin enjoys being a role model not only on the tennis court, but also in the community and at Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church, directing the choirs. Well done, Mr. Griffin.
— Wendy Polk
Milton is an excellent role model to the student athletes he coaches at Salisbury High School. It is no surprise that he is the recipient of the Post’s coach of the year award.
— Quentin Woodward Jr.
… Two Charlotte teens charged after attempting to break into deputy’s home
I know Donovan; I go to school with him and we’re friends. It’s so sad; he’s going through a rough, hard time right now, and all I can do is to just pray.
— Lillian Warr
We have enough crime here without criminals coming here from Charlotte.
— Ronnie Filcher
… An easy way to reduce opioid deaths
Big Pharma is proving that there is a price to pay in terms of who lives and who dies in a for-profit health care system. The big pharmaceutical companies were a major contributor to the opioid epidemic and should help provide antidotes at affordable prices. This situation provides another argument for Medicare for all.
— Reginald Brown
Yes. Big Pharma is among the owners of the Washington establishment, including the trump administration. Many life-saving drugs are priced so that individuals other than the wealthy cannot afford them.
— Pat Bullard
… Police investigate drive-by shooting in Walmart parking lot
Walmart needs security patrolling the parking lot at all times. They need security cameras. This is a very dangerous parking lot. It would also help for Salisbury Police to patrol once an hour. More if possible.
— Cathy Basinger
… My Turn, Larry Persinger Jr.: Where will children go?
Larry, I couldn’t agree more. Very sad day for the kids you and I have nurtured at Rockwell and Hanford Dole. Reading fiction does indeed nurture our souls, teaches us that we can empathize with those who are hurting, and that evil can be conquered.
— Suzanne Crockett
… In the Trenches: Ted Bryant
What a well-written story about a man who perfectly embodies the “extraordinary people in everyday jobs” tagline for the “In the Trenches” series. Looking forward to reading more in this series and hopefully it will be long running.
— Lee Stone
… Editorial: Voter ID ‘cure worse than disease’
The only reason the left hates it is because they can’t cheat, which is the only way they can win in North Carolina.
— John Collins
Like sore loser McCrory?
— Steve Odum
Voter ID is a continuing assault on a citizen’s freedom. We live in a country based on freedom. Tens of thousands have died for our freedom. To allow the GOP to take away our freedom, our “right to vote,” means those heroes that fought and died and those fighting and dying for our freedom will have done so for nothing. Do not allow the them to take your freedom. Have your say in November for your right of freedom
— George Benson
I already have a voter ID card. It’s called a voter registration card. If these bozos wanted my picture on it they should have put it there. No need for me to have to drive halfway across the county to get a new one.
— William Moffitt
David Whisenant: Don’t do it
Sometimes I have thought, who would care? I do feel for your loss. Has to be harder for you than them.
— Patty Culp
I can relate. It was a friend and I sat in the next room. We were teenagers.
— Simpson Mel
Thank you for your comments. You are respected by many, including me. I hope it helps someone suffering.
— Barbara Benton
David, I feel your pain — hoping it eases. Thanks for sharing. Truly hope it keeps someone with those thoughts from choosing the only option with no other alternatives. As long as you have life, you have choices that affect others.
— Larry Craver
… The ultimate merit badge: Longtime Scoutmaster Jack Kepley joins Order of the Long Leaf Pine
Congrats to a great man.I’m lucky to have been one of his many Eagle Scouts. Very deserving.
— Brandon Rogers
I cannot believe this award has not come earlier as Jack has been so deserving for so long. Thanks to a great Scout leader under whom my sons earned the rank of Eagle Scouts.
— Debbie Lesley
Now that is a deserving award for the man committed to a cause, for the development of young minds, teaching, guiding their formative years. I am an Eagle Scout of Troop 448 and applaud Jack Kepley for a lifetime of Scouting.
— Younger Mattox
… After court loss, NC pork producer turns to legislature for win
This kind of industrialized hog farming is horrible for the hogs. They are never allowed to see or feel what it’s like to feel the wind or the ground under their feet outdoors. It is absolute cruelty to them. They are not just bacon and pork chops on the hoof but living breathing animals who feel pain and love their piglets, when they have a chance.
There is a way to raise hogs humanely, but this is not it. Stop listening to people who only want more money in their pockets and look at the plight of the hogs and their neighbors.
— Betty Beaver
… Letter: Our border kidnappers
Thank you Mr. Leather for your wise words of caution. Yes, we must keep a close eye on this and many other areas that are creeping uncomfortably close to a form of government that you and many other Veterans fought against. And thank you kind sir, for you service.
— Renee Wimbish
… Granite Quarry fire chief doesn’t appreciate being ‘berated’ by former town board member
As a home owner and tax payer of Granite Quarry, I am very thankful for all the men and women who volunteer at our firehouse. Every time I hear the sirens, I say a prayer for those who made the call and those responding to that call.
Everyone needs to remember these brave souls run into a dangerous situation as we citizen run from it. If we didn’t have a fire department, all of our homes, businesses and lives would be in peril if we had to wait for outside sources to reach us. You need to be thanking and supporting them.
To Granite Quarry Fire Department and Granite Quarry Police Department, thank you for all you do.
— April Zelenka-Gillespie
… Commissioners approve 2018-19 budget
As a board member of Rowan County’s Meals on Wheels, I’ve been surprised at the misconceptions many folks have of this wonderful service. (Glad you are pleased, Mr. Benson)
There is no duplication of services at all between Rufty-Holmes and Meals on Wheels of Rowan County except they happen to have contracted the same meal provider.
Those who receive assistance pay on a sliding scale based on what they can afford; it is not a free service. They are also homebound, and many live in very isolated situations.
There are many differences between these two community services. One is that Rufty-Holmes receives the bulk of funding from the Home and Community Care Block Grant, even though Meals On Wheels feeds more people daily and in their own homes.
… Please speak with our very capable executive director or any board member. We’ll be glad to help educate.
— Pat Murtaugh
… Dear America: We like you, we really like you
Dear Canada: If our friendship is predicated on you taking advantage of us maybe we need to rethink that “friendship.” America first.
— Wes Rhinier
… Kathryn Jean Lopez: Overcoming politics & polarization
“The most prominent Christians that come to mind are politicians.”
No. The politicians only give lip service to Biblical principles in order to cadge votes. What turns people off of Christianity is seeing church leaders support an administration that is the diametric opposite of everything Christians supposedly stand for, and reading comments that use cherry-picked Bible verses to justify treating others as less-than-people.
When someone askes “What would Jesus do?”, remind them that flipping over tables and chasing people with a whip is within the realm of possibilities.
— Chris Coleman
… Other Voices: School vouchers still questionable
I am not convinced that a letter grade per school based upon student test results is the best measure of the quality of instruction. But it seems that any school receiving public funds should have some sort of objective measure of effectiveness and accountability.
Has the Legislature sought input from public and private school leaders on how to fairly and objectively measure a school’s accountability and effectiveness?
— Jeff Morris
… Salisbury teen killed in single vehicle crash
It was my honor to know Tristan. I have so many memories with him. I love him as if he were one of my own babies. R.I.P., my sweet. I will never forget you and love you so very much.
— Danielle Lefler