Hood Seminary to participate in race and ethnicity program
Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 7, 2018
Hood Theological Seminary
SALISBURY — The Association of Theological Schools has invited Hood Theological Seminary to participate in the Committee on Race and Ethnicity program on “Cultivating Educational Capacity.”
“Hood Theological Seminary is honored to be one of the 20 schools — out of 270 ATS member schools — chosen to participate in this program over the next two years,” said seminary President Vergel Lattimore.
The goal will be to increase educational effectiveness of association schools in educating racial and ethnic students — and all students — in multiracial competence. The program will involve teams of faculty and students from participating schools who will commit to two years of work that will begin with a conference presenting current knowledge about theological education of racial and ethnic students or education for multiracial contexts.
Teams will then work in their schools for the next two years to develop and implement education strategies. Each team will be supported in its work with access to coaches and consultants with expertise in the school’s area of work. At the conclusion of the two years, the school’s teams will return for a second conference to report on their efforts, what they have learned, and what application their learning may have for other association member schools.
Recognizing that theological schools in North America are being affected by demographic changes related to race and ethnicity, the association has sought to enhance the capacity of schools to educate racial/ethnic and white students for ministry in a multiracial context through myriad initiatives.
Over the past decade and a half, with support from Lilly Endowment, the work of the association Committee on Race and Ethnicity in Theological Education has addressed the concerns of racial and ethnic persons in theological education and institutional practices. The purpose of the committee includes leadership development of racial and ethnic people; collecting data on the hiring, retention and promotion of racial and ethnic persons at member schools; and emphasizing mentoring by and for racial and ethnic persons to ensure their retention and enhance their well-being.
A major evaluation study of the impact of years of CORE work was conducted during the 2016 biennium. The study identified the need for and potential value of the association in developing resources in support of race and ethnicity, cultivating educational capacity, and coordinating agency support and effort on issues of race and ethnicity.
Focusing on “cultivating educational capacity,” the association will work with the 20 member schools on effectiveness with racial/ethnic students.
The Hood team includes Sharon Grant, assistant professor of the history of Christianity; Jim Wadford, director of the doctor of ministry program; and Angela Davis-Baxter, director of financial aid.