Letter: Keep streets clear of grass clippings
Published 2:20 pm Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Thank you for printing Shavonne Walker’s piece on the practice of discharging yard waste into public roadways, predominantly grass clippings (“Motorcycle advocates share safety tips during Motorcycle Awareness Month,” May 31.) I encourage law enforcement officials to be proactive in stopping this practice.
If I recall correctly, there is a N.C. ordinance or statute already on books making this practice illegal, which can cause traction problems with most vehicles. If the roadway later gets wet, traction further decreases.
And besides traction issues, cars and trucks blow clouds of grass clippings into the air, potentially leading to vision problems for motorcyclists following them. I have personally had grass in both eyes, making pulling over and stopping very challenging.
Yes, I had state-mandated eye protection, but unless one is wearing tight goggles, debris can still get into eyes.
(And as a tip to other cyclists, a stop gap procedure is to close one eye — once through the grass cloud, you can still see by the eye that was closed.)
However, there is no doubt that the practice of willingly and indiscriminately blowing grass into roadways is simply an act of not caring, and littering by either uneducated or ignorant individuals. This practice needs to be curtailed.
— Frank Janas